
ATLAS masterclass 2013

The VISPA ATLAS group hosted another successful Masterclassthis year, with 18 keen students from eight Victoria area High Schools participating.  The students gathered together at the 番茄社区 in April 2013 for a one day crash course in particle physics, experiencing what it's like to be an ATLAS scientist.  The day comprised of relevant physics demos, talks on the Standard Model and the ATLAS detector, analyzing actual data for the purpose of finding Z and Higgs bosons, and in true collaboration fashion, sharing results via video conference with similar Masterclasses in Vancouver, Fermilab in Chicago and Stillwater Oklahoma.

The feedback from students was all very positive, with many showing great interest in trying their own particle physics experiments in their schools.  We hope to make this a yearly event, with the next Masterclass in the Spring of 2014!
