
Why physics? Why UVic?

Why study physics/astronomy?

Many people think that physics is only useful if you plan for a career as a school teacher, university professor or professional physicist.  Not true!  Physics provides an excellent education for many varied careers by training its students in problem solving, logic, mathematics, computer skills and technical writing.

Average MCAT scores by selected majors

Indeed, in a survey by the , physics majors were amongst the highest scorers on Medical College Application Test (MCAT) exams.  Physics majors scored higher, on average, than undergraduates with degrees in the life sciences.

Field of employment for physics bachelor's in the private sector

Students with a physics degree continue on to a wide variety of careers including medicine, environmental, earth and ocean sciences, management and technical consulting, engineering, accounting, software and computer modelling.

Physics pays! In a survey by the American Institute of Physics, physics graduates can expect amongst the of science and engineering graduates.

Why study physics/astronomy at UVic?

  • A top rated university: UVic is British Columbia's second-largest research university and a powerhouse when it comes to science and engineering programs. Maclean's news magazine has consistently ranked UVic as among Canada's top comprehensive universities, a result no doubt of our researchers having some of the highest number of grants per researcher of all universities in Canada.
  • Award winning lecturers: Several of our faculty have been recognized for excellence in teaching including Dr. Michel Lefebvre and Dr. Alex van Netten.
  • Variety of programming: we offer combined degrees in physics with astronomy, mathematics, earth and ocean sciences, computer science and biochemistry.
  • World-class facilities: Our department is home to a 32-inch telescope, the largest teaching telescope in North America. It also houses a state-of-the art Nanofabrication facility and electronics and machine shops that are integral to the design and fabrication of custom projects.
  • Research opportunities: We have one of the largest and oldest co-op programs in Canada offering research and professional training throughout your degree. Other research opportunities include student research awards through the Faculty of Science (SURA) and the provost's office (). In addition, our students are competitive in securing undergraduate research awards through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council ().
  • An internationally relevant city: Victoria is the provincial capital, and a major national centre for physics and astronomy. For example, the national offices of Canada's major observatories is based in Victoria, as well as many geoscience and oceanographic institutes and a large provicial centre of medical physics. Many scientists at these facilities hold adjunct positions at UVic and are involved in teaching and research. Our faculty benefit from close ties with national and international facilities such as the Vancouver Cancer Centre, , , , , , , and the Pacific Geoscience Centre.
  • A beautiful campus in a beautiful city: Located on Canada's spectacular west coast, UVic's lush 160-hectare campus enjoys the mildest climate in Canada. Students can sail, kayak, cycle, skateboard, mountain climb, hike and camp year-round, while still enjoying easy access to the usual winter activities of skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing. The campus is easily accessible by car, bus, or bicycle, and is only a short stroll from the ocean.