
Co-op education in physics and astronomy

A student takes a mirror selfie at the CFH telescope during a co-op work term.
A student takes a mirror selfie at the CFH telescope during a co-op work term.

At UVic, learning extends beyond the classroom. The optional physics and astronomy co-operative education (co-op) program lets you gain relevant, paid work experience and a better chance of landing your dream job after graduation.

Through co-op, you’ll alternate terms in class with paid work terms in positions related to your field of study. Most co-op work terms are four months long, and you’ll usually complete four work terms during your degree. Co-op is collaborative—students, employers and the university all play a part.

Co-op employers

You’ll have the opportunity to work with companies and research organizations across Canada and abroad—places like Victoria, Calgary, Ottawa, Halifax, Hawaii, California, Chile, Germany and Japan. Our co-op students work in the fields of astronomy, medical physics, ocean physics, geophysics, particle physics, scientific computing, and many other areas.

Co-op employers include industrial firms, research organizations, and government institutions. Co-op work terms can lead to immediate physics- or astronomy-related employment upon graduation, but also serve as a solid foundation for graduate studies.

Get started

For more information and program details, visit the  co-op site or contact , our co-op coordinator.