
Our people

Adaptive optics
PhD student Masen Lamb, left, and Dr. Kim Venn working with adaptive optics components at NRC Herzberg in Saanich. Photo: UVic Photo Services.

We have a diverse group of professionals in our department to help you pursue your undergraduate or graduate degree.

Faculty and researchers

  • Faculty teach and supervise students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and engage in research both on campus and at leading laboratories and institutes around the world.
  • Adjunct Faculty are external experts who are affiliated with departmental research programs.  Many adjuncts teach courses and supervise graduate students.
  • Emeritus Faculty are retired faculty members, many of whom maintain an active presence in our department. They may supervise graduate students, teach courses, conduct research or engage in public outreach.
  • Research personnel include research assistants, research associates and post doctoral fellows who are engaged in research.

Staff and instructors

  • Academic & Administrative Staff have professional roles in our department, including management and operation of the laboratory program, Physics Aid Service, lecture demonstrations, and the Co-op program, or who provide network and computer support.
  • Office & Technical Staff includes administrative personnel in our general office and technicians in our electronics and machine shops.
  • Sessional Instructors teach degree program courses on a short-term contract basis.

Students and advisors

  • Graduate Students undertake research projects, take courses and may also hold teaching assistantships in which they teach undergraduate labs or mark homework assignments. 
  • Advisers are faculty members who provide guidance on matters such as course selection, program or degree requirements, and transfer credit.
  • The department is home to two student associations - the Physics and Astronomy Undergraduate Student Society (Phasers) for undergraduates, and  (PAGSA) for graduate students.