
Medical Physics Courses

The UVic Physics and Astronomy Department along with the BC Cancer Agency - Victoria and UBC offer a range of course for medical physics students.

Graduate Courses

Course Description
Principles of dosimetry of ionizing radiation with emphasis on applications to radiotherapy and radiobiology. Provides the basics of linear accelerator design as well as design of X-ray generating apparatus; also provides basics of electron and photon interactions with media, energy deposition in media, and radiation protection and shielding.
A continuation of PHYS 534. Covers the physics and applied dosimetry of current external and internal irradiation treatment techniques.
The fundamentals of radiation dosimetry, ionization cavity theories and radiation dosimetry protocols. A variety of absolute and relative dosimetry techniques are also covered, with hands-on experience provided through a series of lab exercises on medical linear accelerators. Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport for dosimetry applications is introduced.
Fundamental theory and application of medical imaging, including radiology, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine imaging. Basic principles, image formation and reconstruction, imaging instrumentation and hardware, and current trends of each imaging modality will be given.
Topics in radiation biophysics, including DNA strand breaks, cell survival curves, fractionation and dose rate effects, oxygen effect, relative biological effectiveness, tumour radiobiology, radiation pathology, radiobiological modelling, stochastic and deterministic effects, and molecular techniques in radiobiology.
WebCT based course covering basics of anatomy and physiology. Aimed at students in medical physics who are interested in clinical and/or academic careers that will require interaction with radiation oncologists and other health care professionals.
Shadowing course designed to give the student some insight into the clinical aspects of the medical physics profession. Under the guidance of a clinical physicist, students progress through a series of clinical areas. Modules illustrate the collaborative nature of the profession and the interaction with other medical professionals.


Undergraduate Courses

Course Description
Introduction to medical physics: production and measurement of x-rays and charged particles for nuclear medicine, interaction of radiation with biological materials, radiation dosimetry, radiation safety, physics of medical imaging, magnetic resonance imaging.