

BC Cancer - Victoria

Radiation therapy equipment

  • Six Varian TrueBeam linear accelerators with 6, 10, 10FFF, and 18 MV X-ray beams and electron beams from 4 to 20 MeV
  • One accelerator is dedicated to stereotactic radiosurgery with high resolution multi-leaf collimators and optical surface monitoring patient positional control
  • All accelerators are equipped with MV and kV imaging systems
  • Varian High Dose Rate brachytherapy unit (192Ir)
  • Superficial (100 kVp) unit

Imaging equipment

  • Two GE Multislice CT Simulators
  • One GE PET/CT Scanner
  • 3D Ultrasound

Computational equipment

  • A Varian Eclipse treatment planning and Aria information system provides an integrated, networked environment that is linked to the other cancer centres in the BC Cancer Agency
  • Stand-alone treatment planning systems are available for research purposes
  • Cluster of many networked computers running Linux that is devoted to Monte-Carlo radiation transport calculations
  • In-house 3D Brachytherapy dose calculation software

Additional notes

There is a full range of the usual medical physics equipment available at BC Cancer - Victoria, including anatomical and water phantoms, film scanners, and an automatic TLD reader. The physics staff consists of 9 medical physicists, with support from an experienced team of physics assistants, and electronics and mechanical workshop staff.


X-ray Cancer Imaging and Therapy Experimental Lab

  • 3 kW COMET MXR-160/22 x-ray tube
  • X-ray beam shutter capable of sub-second irradiations
  • Detectors:
    • Four Amptek silicon drift detectors
    • Four Amptek cadmium telluride detectors
    • One Varex flat-panel amorphous silicon detector
    • One Redlen cadmium zinc telluride high-flux photon counting detector
  • Computational equipment:
    • Two 64-core computer clusters
    • Compute Canada WestGrid cluster access

Additional facilities

The UVic Physics and Astronomy Department also offers a full suite of electronic and machining services.