
Undergraduate programs

Nicholas Planidin in the Reimchen Lab holding a jar with stickleback fish

Nicholas Planidin works in the Reimchen Lab analyzing development in stickleback fish.

Yamila Franco holding a bug

Yamila Franco says she is inspired by the idea that her research can help people.

Olivia McMillan lying in a field of cranberries

As part of a co-op placement, Olivia McMillan monitored pest populations in cranberry fields using skills she learned in class.

Ecology students making ground measurements in a forest and collecting fallen leaves

Our programs incorporate hands-on learning in classrooms, labs and in the field. These ecology students are doing field work on campus.

Three students looking at a starfish during a nighttime field trip to Clover Point

UVic's proximity to the ocean means lots of opportunities for marine studies. Pictured here are students on a nighttime field trip to nearby Clover Point, in downtown Victoria.

Navarana Smith holding a beaker and walking through a field in Uganda

Navarana Smith travelled to Germany, Kenya, Uganda (pictured), Tanzania and Madagascar in the course of her undergrad studies. Photo: Dexter Waters.

Welcome to UVic Biology!

Biology degree programs

You will have the opportunity to study Biology at one of the following levels of concentration: General, Minor, Major or Honours. We offer:

Biology student advising

Course planning

Students have the freedom to design their own program in Biology.  Please visit the course planning page.

Honours program

The Biology Honours Program provides an opportunity for qualified senior undergraduates to undertake a research project, to work closely with a research supervisor, and to improve their skills in oral and written scientific communication.  The Honours Program is especially recommended for students considering postgraduate work in biology.  It is distinguished from the Majors Program by the requirement of four courses: BIOL 330, Study Design and Data Analysis, , Honours Seminar, and and , Honours Thesis.  Students are strongly encouraged to take BIOL 330 in their third year, before applying to the Honours Program. Normally, the deadline to submit an application for the Honours Program is July 1 of each year.

For more information, read about the Biology Honours Program and then contact the .




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