

The Department of Biology offers concentrations in Forest Biology, Marine Biology and Neuroscience.  After declaring one of these concentrations, students must complete the courses noted below within the Bachelor of Science, Major and Honours programs. The chosen concentration will appear on students’ transcripts.

Concentration in Forest Biology

The concentration will require a minimum of 7 courses, including a capstone research or field experience, as follows:

  • and ;
  • One of , , ;
  • Three* of BIOL , , , , , , , , , , ;
  • One of BIOL , ,

*Note: BIOL499B credit may be counted toward the Forest Biology Concentration only if the thesis topic is approved by the department.

Concentration in Marine Biology

The concentration will require a minimum of 7 courses as follows:

  • One of , , ;
  • One of , ;
  • One of , , , ;
  • Four of , , , , , , , 461, , , , , , , , .

Note: Students may count  and only one of , , in the Marine Biology Concentration, with permission of the department.

Concentration in Neurobiology

The concentration will require a minimum of 8 courses as follows:

  • ,
  • Two of , , ,
  • Four of BIOL , , , , , , , or , ,

Note: BIOL 499B credit may be counted toward the Neurobiology Concentration only if the thesis topic is approved by the department

Recommended: , , .