
Research areas

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Cell & molecular

Researcher Areas of research focus
Bob Chow Developmental biology, neurobiology, molecular genetics
Peter Constabel Molecular biology, tree herbivore defense
Kerry Delaney Neurobiology, synaptic physiology, neuroimaging
Jürgen Ehlting Plant molecular biology
Ryan Gawryluk Cell biology, mitrochondria, eukaryotic evolution, genomics
Ben Koop Genomics and evolution
Raad Nashmi Neurobiology, synaptic transmission, nicotinic receptors, nicotine addiction
Réal Roy Ecology, freshwater, microbial systems
John Taylor Comparative genomics, molecular evolution
Nicole Templeman Biology of aging, cellular and molecular biology, genetics, physiology
Patrick von Aderkas Embryogenesis of conifers in vitro

Ecology & evolution

Researcher Areas of research focus
Amanda Bates Global ecology, conservation biology, marine eco-physiology, community ecology
Julia Baum Ecology, evolutionary biology and marine biology
John Dower Oceanography, ecology, fisheries
Rana El-Sabaawi Ecology and evolutionary biology, marine science, organismal biology
Ryan Gawryluk Cell biology, mitrochondria, eukaryotic evolution, genomics
Francis Juanes Ecology, behaviour, fisheries, conservation
Ben Koop Genomics and evolution
Terri Lacourse Plant paleoecology, palynology, Earth systems ecology
Mark Lewis Animal movement modelling, ecological dynamics, population spread, invasive species, wildlife disease modelling
Gregory Owens Evolution, genomics, hybridization, adaptation
Steve Perlman Symbiosis and parasitism, evolution, entomology, selfish genes
Tom Reimchen Ecology
Réal Roy Ecology, freshwater, microbial systems
John Taylor Comparative genomics, molecular evolution
Diana Varela Biological oceanography, phytoplankton eco-physiology, nutrient cycling

Genetics & genomics

Researcher Areas of research focus
Bob Chow Developmental biology, neurobiology, molecular genetics
Peter Constabel Molecular biology, tree herbivore defense
Jürgen Ehlting Plant molecular biology
Ryan Gawryluk Cell biology, mitrochondria, eukaryotic evolution, genomics
Ben Koop Genomics and evolution
Gregory Owens Evolution, genomics, hybridization, adaptation
Steve Perlman Symbiosis and parasitism, evolution, entomology, selfish genes
John Taylor Comparative genomics, molecular evolution
Nicole Templeman Biology of aging, cellular and molecular biology, genetics, physiology
Patrick von Aderkas Embryogenesis of conifers in vitro, proteomics

Marine biology

Researcher Areas of research focus
Amanda Bates Global ecology, conservation biology, marine eco-physiology, community ecology
Julia Baum Ecology, evolutionary biology, marine biology
John Dower Oceanography, ecology, fisheries
Rana El-Sabaawi Ecology and evolutionary biology, marine science, organismal biology
Francis Juanes Ecology, behaviour, fisheries, conservation
Ben Koop Genomics and evolution
Diana Varela Biological oceanography, phytoplankton eco-physiology, nutrient cycling


Researcher Areas of research focus
Gautam Awatramani Synaptic physiology, multi-photon imaging, retina, optogenetics
Craig Brown Neurobiology, plasticity, somatosensory systems, in vivo brain imaging
Bob Chow Developmental biology, neurobiology, molecular genetics
Brian Christie Hippocampus, learning and memory, concussion
Kerry Delaney Neurobiology, synaptic physiology, neuroimaging
Patrick Nahirney Synaptic ultrastructure, myogenesis and electron microscopy
Raad Nashmi Neurobiology, synaptic transmission, nicotinic receptors, nicotine addiction
Leigh-Anne Swayne Ion channels: molecular determinants of health and disease, neurogenesis

Forest biology

Researcher Areas of research focus
Peter Constabel Molecular biology, tree herbivore defense
Jürgen Ehlting Plant molecular biology
Barbara Hawkins Tree seedling physiology, tree nutrition and cold hardiness
Terri Lacourse Plant paleocecology, palynology, Earth systems ecology
Réal Roy Ecology, freshwater and soils, microbial systems
Patrick von Aderkas Embryogenesis of conifers, proteomics