
Equipment & user fees

Jeol 1011 Transmission Electron Microscope

  • Tungsten filament, up to 120 kV
  • 11 Megapixel CCD camera

Other equipment

  • Ultramicrotomes
  • Leica Ultracaut UCT
  • Reichert Ultracut E
  • Leica EM KMR2 Knifemaker
  • Leica CPD300 Critical Point Dryer
  • Edwards S150B Sputter Coater
  • Edwards Carbon Coater
  • JB-4 Microtome
  • Normal ancillary equipment associated with an Electron Microscope Laboratory
Microscope user fees (effective April 2016)
Inside Users: members of the Biology Department or members of UVic Departments or Centres that pay an annual fee of $5000.00/year
TEM Filament Time $35.00/hour
Outside Users: members of UVic Departments or Centres outside the Biology Department that do not pay an annual fee of $5000.00/year
TEM Filament Time $75.00/hour
Commercial or Government Users
TEM Filament Time $125.00/hour
TECHNICAL HELP BY THE MANAGER OF THE EM LABORATORY: (includes services such as tissue fixation, embedding, sectioning for light or electron microscopy, section staining, immunolabelling, microscope operation):
For Biology Dept Users materials
For UVic non-Biology Users $35.00/hour + materials
For Commercial and non-UVic Users $70.00/hour + materials

User fees

Critical Point Drying, per run
For Inside Users $10.00
For Outside Users $15.00
For Commercial and non-UVic Users $25.00
Carbon or Platinum Coating, per run
For Inside Users $10.00
For Outside Users $15.00
For Commercial and non-UVic Users $25.00
Gold Sputter Coating, per run
For Inside Users $15.00
For Outside Users $20.00
For Commercial and non-UVic Users $40.00
Glow Discharge Treatment of Grids, per run
For Inside Users $10.00
For Outside Users $15.00
For Commercial and non-UVic Users $25.00
Use of Ultramicrotomes, per hour
For Inside Users no charge
For Outside Users $5.00
For Commercial and non-UVic Users $15.00
Consummables (cost per item, subject to change as they change from the suppliers)
Epon or Spurr's Resin (~50 grams) $25.00
Osmium Tetroxide (2 mls of 4 %) $11.00
16 % Formaraldehyde (10 mls) $6.00
8 % Glutaraldehyde (10 mls) $6.00
25 % Glutaraldehyde (10 mls) $7.00
50% Glutaraldehyde (10 mls) $8.00
Bar of Glass for ultramicrotome knives $8.00
Bar of Glass for JB-4 knives $15.00
Plastic knife boats for glass knives $0.50
Aluminum stubs for SEM $0.50
Small Plastic Box for SEM Stubs $6.00
Large Plastic Box for SEM Stubs $12.00
200 or 300 mesh EM Grids (100/vial) $31.00
600 mesh EM Grids (100/vial) $70.00
Synaptek Slot Grids (100/vial) $70.00
Small EM Grid box $7.00
Large EM Grid box $16.00
100 ml Aliquot of JB-4 $50.00
JB-4 block holder $3.15