
Moving Out

Your departure date

All residents are required to vacate residence on or before the end of the final exam period in December, and on or before the end of the final exam period in April. You are expected to leave 24 hours after the last day of exams as defined by the UVic Undergrad/Graduate Academic Calendar. 

Spring 2024 departures

If you are moving out at the end of the Spring term and not returning to residence:

  • Remove all items from your room/unit on or before the end of the final exam period in April.
  • Return your keys to the front desk of the Residence Services office.
  • After this date, staff may enter your room to confirm that you have left, perform maintenance, or clean and inspect the room for future residents.

If you continue to occupy a room after the end of the final exam period:

  • We may remove personal items.
  • Access to the room may be restricted.
  • Additional charges may apply.

Summer stayover residents

If you are currently living on campus and have accepted an offer to live in the same room for the summer term:

  • Complete a Spring Move Out Extension Request throught the if you would like to remain in your room between terms (this includes leaving belongings in your room).
  • Once approved, you may keep your room keys and leave your belongings in your room.
  • You are required to depart campus on or before the end of the final exam period in August.

If you are living on campus for both terms, but will be changing rooms or leaving campus between terms:

  • Remove all items from your room/unit on or before the end of the final exam period in April; or
  • Complete a Spring Move Out Extension Request throught the  if you would like to remain on-campus between terms. Residence Services staff will contact you with specific dates for moving out of your current room and into your new room.

Moving out

Remove all your items and leave your unit in good condition. Return your keys to the residence office.

Before you move out

  • Check and empty your residence mail box
  • Update your current mailing address on My page. This address will be used for the cheque refund of your damage deposit
  • Be advised that we are not able to forward mail
  • If you have a storage or bike locker, remove all items
  • All keys and tags need to be returned in person to the Residence Office
  • Cancel external services such as cable TV
  • Clean your room. If you live in cluster, common areas also need to be cleaned

Moving out

  • Return your room keys to the Residence office
    • Dorm residents need to return keys to:
      • Bedroom
      • Building
      • Mailbox
      • Stairwell (if applicable)
    • Cluster residents need to return keys to:
      • Bedroom
      • Unit
      • Storage
      • Stairwell (if applicable)
      • Laundry (if applicable)
      • Mailbox (if applicable)
    • All residents need to return any additional keys issued
  • Keys need to be clean (no stickers, paint, etc.), on a key ring and in good condition.
  • Return keys using the provided envelope. Make sure the envelope is marked with your room number and is properly sealed.If you do not have your envelope from Move-In Day, the Front Desk will be able to provide one


When you move out, your room should be returned to its original state, so another student could move in.

If we need to clean your room, charges will be applied.

Cleaning check list

  • Take garbage and recycling outside to designated compounds
  • Remove all stickers, posters and pictures
  • Empty drawers and closets
  • Return furniture to its original position
  • Remove any furniture we did not provide
  • Vacuum the carpet
  • Clean the desktop and other surfaces
  • Close and lock the window
  • Turn down the heat
  • Lock the door when you leave 

If you live in cluster or pod-style housing


  • Remove personal items from your storage room
  • Wash bathroom, kitchen and entrance floors
  • Clean fridge, stove, and dishwasher
  • Clean shower, toilets, sinks
  • Clean countertops and other surfaces
  • Wash bathroom and kitchen cupboards – inside and out
  • Return cleaning supplies to hall closet
  • Close and lock windows and doors

Pod floor:

  • Remove personal items from the shared kitchen
  • Remove personal items from your cubby storage




We expect your room and furniture to sustain some wear and tear. Items that are missing, defaced, or damaged beyond normal wear are unacceptable.

If we need to perform work to return your room and furniture to the original condition, charges will be applied. Examples may include painting or replacing furniture.

Damage deposit

When you accepted your room offer, you paid a $250 damage deposit. After you move out this deposit will be credited back to your account and the resulting credit will be refunded to you (on the credit card used or as a cheque sent to your mailing address). If there are no additional charges your refund will be $250.

  • If there is additional credit in your account (for example, if you moved to a cheaper accommodation) this will also be refunded.
  • If there are extra charges or an unpaid balance in your account your refund will be less than the deposit.
  • If the outstanding balance exceeds the damage deposit, the balance needs to be paid at once.

Refund cheques take 6-8 weeks to process after you move out (sometimes longer). If you have an international mailing address you may need to provide banking information for a wire transfer refund.

Winter closure

The university is closed every year between the end of December exams and the start of January classes. When possible, all residents are required to vacate campus during this time, as there will be almost no services and few staff on campus. Residents who are unable to leave must apply to stay over the winter closure (see process below).

First Term Only (September to December) residents

If you are moving out at the end of the Fall term and not returning to residence:

  • Remove all items from your room/unit on or before the end of the final exam period in December.
  • Return your keys to the front desk of the Residence Services office.
  • After this date, staff may enter your room to confirm that you have left, perform maintenance, or clean and inspect the room for future residents.

If you continue to occupy a room after the end of the final exam period:

  • We may remove personal items.
  • Access to the room may be restricted.
  • Additional charges may apply.

Winter Session (September to April) residents

If you are living on campus for both terms, and are living in the same room for both terms:

  • You may keep your room keys and leave your belongings in your room during this closure.
  • You are required to depart campus on or before the end of the final exam period in December.

If you are living on campus for both terms, but have requested and received a room change:

  • You will be contacted by Residence Services staff with specific dates for moving out of your current room and into a new room.

Winter closure stay over applications

Residents who are unable to return home during the closure may apply to remain on campus during the closure.

  • The application form will be available on the website in late October of each year. We will email all residents with detailed information and dates for submission during the month of October, prior to the form being available.
  • The application form is available for a limited time. Late applications will not be considered except under extenuating circumstances.
  • Residents will be asked to explain their reason for requesting a stay-over. We evaluate each request and will approve (or deny) requests based on a number of factors. Factors may include those related to conduct status, safety and security of the residence community, operational considerations and whether or not residence fees have been paid.
  • There is a $200 fee applied to all approved requests. The fee will not be pro-rated for partial stays.