
Maintenance & cleaning

Room and building maintenance (non-emergency)

Items or facilities in need of repair should be reported immediately by accessing the housing portal and selecting maintenance from the navigation menu at the top of the page.

  • Requests submitted through the portal are automatically associated with your bedroom.
  • If you are reporting a concern outside of your room, be sure to state the specific location.
  • Cluster residents should select shared spaces in the maintenance menu to report a concern in the kitchen, living room, bathroom or other shared space in their unit.

Response times

Your request will be submitted to Residence Facilities staff, who review requests daily Monday to Friday. Requests submitted on weekends will be reviewed Monday.

  • Some requests will be resolved in three to four days, but others may take up to two weeks.
  • If your concern has not been addressed after two weeks, please .
  • Always include the details of your initial request in your email (date submitted, room number,  and nature of request).


For emergency issues such as power outages, leaking water, or unsafe conditions:

  • Call 250-721-8650 between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday
  • All other times: Contact Campus Security at 250-721-7599


Refer to the Residence Contract, Schedule B s3.3 for complete details on expectations for cleaning your living space.


In specified areas throughout the dormitories there are vacuums and cleaning materials available for residents to use, and each resident is responsible for cleaning their own private living area (bedroom).

The general upkeep and cleanliness of common areas are considered the joint responsibility of all residents occupying that living space. University housekeeping staff will ensure that the day to day cleaning of the hallways, washrooms and lounges is completed.

Cluster units and apartments

UVic provides vacuum cleaners and basic cleaning supplies (e.g., brooms and mop) for residents to clean their room and the unit.

As with living in an apartment or rental suite, it is the responsibility of all roommates to ensure a unit is clean and livable during their stay. When residents depart, they should ensure the unit is clean and ready to be occupied by others coming to live on campus.

Common area damage or unreasonable mess may result in shared assessments pursuant to Schedule A 6.3 in the Residence Contract.

Residence Services cleans carpets once per year or upon resident turnover.