
Youth and international contexts

Research Fellow Dr. Donna McGhie-Richmond working on inclusive education in Ukraine
Many research fellows at CFYS are involved in youth initiatives abroad, such as Dr. Donna McGhie-Richmond's work on inclusive education in Ukraine.

Reports and summaries by research fellows:

Refugee youth urban resettlement

The CFYS report, Refugee Youth: Good Practices in Urban Resettlement Contexts, was produced for the UN-Habitat Youth and Livelihoods Unit, and written by Dr. Anne Marshall, Tricia Roche (CFYS), Emily Comeau (Linguistics), Joelle Taknint (Clinical Psychology), Kathryn Butler (Counselling), Emerald Pringle (Psychology), Jessica Cumming (Counselling), Elizabeth Hagestedt (Anthropology), LeeAnna Deringer (Indigenous Counselling), and Victor Skrzypczynski (Biopsychology). 

Find the full report on our Current research- Youth & international contexts page.

Below are research tip briefs from the seven major sections of the report:

Rapid reviews by graduate students:

Cultivating belonging among immigrant youth

Establishing a sense of belonging is central to positive youth development. Immigrant children experience unique barriers to feeling connected and accepted within Canadian society. Immigrant serving agencies can draw on strategies established in the research literature to help immigrant youth foster these connections.