
Graphic Novels

"In and Out" graphic novel
"In and Out" graphic novel

Graphic novels have been shown to promote literacy among reluctant readers.

Read "In and Out", which explores youths' experience when exiting the criminal justice system.

Research team: Dr. Anne Marshall, Kate Creedon, Tricia Roche, and youth authors.

"Chasing Adland" tells the story of Chase and Luke, two teens who discover the hidden side of media advertising. It is based on CIHR-funded research on adolescent critical media health literacy.

Research team: Dr. Deborah Begoray, Dr. Joan Wharf Higgins, Robin Wilmot, and Ingrid Bach.

"No Sale, Slèlèp!" illuminates the unrealistic beauty standards imposed upon youth by media. 

Research team: Dr. Deborah Begoray, Dr. Joan Wharf Higgins, Dr. Elizabeth Banister, Dr. Anne Marshall, Robin Wilmot.