
Summaries & reports

CFYS research assistants Hannah Kim and Emerald Pringle discuss research briefs with a community member at a CFYS event.
CFYS research assistants Hannah Kim and Emerald Pringle discuss research briefs with a community member at a CFYS event.

Youth, parents, practitioners, policy-makers, graduate students, researchers – these are just some of the people approaching CFYS for research.

CFYS knows that research evidence is needed by many people working in different settings. Here you will find our research summaries and reports. Our practice is to mobilize our research, as much as possible, in accessible and brief formats that can easily be shared with multiple audiences. For research publications, see our searchable publications table.

Imagine you are a busy school based counsellor seeing many youth every week. You might only have time to read a research summary on a topic of vital importance to your work. These are simply the realities of our workplaces and yet, we still need frequent access to high quality evidence. (CFYS partner)

The ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø's strategic research plan values both the mobilization of knowledge and engagement with the community. CFYS Summaries and reports are grouped by theme: health, transitions, Indigenous youth, inclusion & engagement, and literacy & digital youth.