
Visiting Researchers

These fellowships is to provide research space and an environment conducive to writing and reflection to scholars working on research projects in the area of global studies.

Topics: The CFGS promotes critical citizenship in a complex and rapidly changing global environment including the advancement and understanding of major global issues by civil society, the private sector, governments, and international institutions. Scholars are invited to apply who are engaged in similar topics of a global dimension. These topics may include, but are not limited to: global governance, international environmental challenges, social justice issues, and culture and identity. Applications from all disciplinary backgrounds are welcome.

Value: Applicants may be eligible for a travel bursary of up to $1500CAD. Otherwise this is a nonstipendiary appointment, with no cash value. Successful applicants must secure their own research funding to cover other costs associated with visa applications, health insurance, and accommodations. 

Eligibility:The fellowships are open to Canadian and international scholars; emeritus scholars; new scholars; scholars on sabbatical leave from their regular academic appointments. Consideration will also be given to professionals in NGOs and other related fields.

Length of stay: Fellows are encouraged to stay between 3 months to 12 months, but the centre will consider requests for research terms of any length.

*Click here to read Sonja and Pauline's Travel Guide and to learn more about what adventures you can embark upon during your time on Vancouver Island!