
Associate fellowships (non-stipendiary)


The Centre for Studies in Religion and Society (CSRS) at the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø welcomes applications from researchers interested in participating in our dynamic interdisciplinary research community.

Application Deadline - Ongoing


To broaden the profile and outreach of the centre; to enable scholars who are not employed full time at a university to participate in a thriving social and intellectual community; to increase interactions between centre fellows and the many gifted scholars in the Greater Victoria Area.


In accord with the centre’s mandate (see: www.csrs.uvic.ca), Associate Fellows must be engaged in the scholarly study of religion in relation to any aspect of society and culture, both contemporary and historical. This includes, but is not limited to, critical examinations of religious themes in the areas of ethics, health, environment, public policy, technology, human conflict, art, literature, the media, law, philosophy or the natural sciences. We welcome applications from individuals immersed in any academic discipline.


Fellows will normally have a PhD and a record of scholarly research in an area related to the CSRS mandate. Typical applicants may be retired faculty, new scholars, scholars without regular university appointments, and community-based researchers.


Associate Fellows will have access to the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø library and the UVic email system. They will also have a mailbox, access to CSRS fax, scanner and photocopier services, and opportunities to participate in all CSRS social and academic activities. Please note that this is a non-stipendiary appointment, with no cash value. When possible, Associate Fellows share a private office at the CSRS on a rotating basis.


Associate fellowship terms are three years and can be renewed (see below for more detail).


Associate Fellows are expected to uphold the values of scholarship, citizenship and collegiality; to be willing to give a public lecture on a theme in the area of their research (time and space permitting); to take advantage of the private office space provided in the centre; and attend the regular activities of the CSRS (e.g., daily informal meetings over coffee and tea to discuss topics related to religion and society, weekly public lectures of other centre fellows). Fellows do not need to participate in all events but are encouraged to be involved in the thriving academic and social life of the centre.

Application procedure

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis via email and should include:

  • a current CV;
  • this completed Associate Fellowship application form
  • two PDF letters of support from colleagues sent directly to the CSRS at csrs@uvic.ca. The centre may also solicit the opinions of other referees.

Please note that any research involving human subjects will require approval of the UVic Human Ethics Review Board and/or the review board of another institution. Associate fellowship applications are reviewed by the CSRS Program Committee twice a year in December and June; in some cases, applications may be considered at other times of the year. All materials should be submitted via email to csrs@uvic.ca, indicating attention to Dr. Paul Bramadat, Director. Candidates are responsible for ensuring their applications are complete. 

CSRS Associate Fellowship Guidlines and Application Form

Renewal procedure


This renewal policy enables the CSRS to highlight the importance of collegiality, citizenship and participation in our scholarly community; ensures that there will be enough space at CSRS events for newcomers; and cultivates diversity among our valuable Associate Fellow cohort. Continuation and renewal of fellowships are subject to satisfactory evaluations by the Associate Fellow Review Committee (AFRC). 

Renewal application procedure 

Fellows seeking renewal at the end of their three year fellowship are asked to complete the Associate Fellowship Renewal Form below and submit it to csrs@uvic.ca with their CV by the final month of their fellowship term. *Please note that reference letters are not required for renewal.

CSRS 2024/25 Associate Fellowship Renewal Form