
Post-doctoral fellowships (non-stipendiary)

We are currently not offering Post-doctorial fellowships (non-stipendiary). 


The Post-Doctoral Fellowship is offered as a means for providing institutional support to academics with post-doctoral funding whose research falls within the broadly defined areas of the centre’s mandate.


The centre welcomes applications from all disciplinary backgrounds for projects that meet its mandate of promoting the scholarly study of religion in relation to any and all aspects of society and culture, both contemporary and historical. Topics may include, but are not limited to, examinations of religious themes within the areas of ethics, health, law, environment, technology, government and public policy, human conflict, art, literature, the media, and currents and debates in philosophy and the natural sciences.


The fellowships are available to any member of the academic community at UVic or other university who is awarded post-doctoral funding from SSHRC, CIHR or an equivalent granting body. Fellowship applications may be submitted in conjunction with post-doc funding applications, or after confirmation of funding has been received. The fellowship will take effect upon approval of post-doctoral funding.


This is a non-stipendiary appointment. The fellowship includes office space at the centre with access to wireless Internet, copying and fax services, a centre mailbox and ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø library privileges.


The term of the fellowship will normally be one year.


Successful applicants will:

  • conduct their work in the centre's quarters;
  • participate actively in the programs and activities of the centre;
  • give at least one public seminar or lecture on the theme of their research;
  • acknowledge the CSRS in all publications arising from the fellowship and notify the centre of any such books or articles for inclusion in our database.

Application procedure

All applications should contain a full copy of the proposal submitted for post-doctoral funding, including letters of reference and an up-to-date curriculum vitae. Applicants should ensure that their proposals contain a clear description of the project, including theoretical framework, methodology, research questions to be asked, and background bibliography. Please provide as well a statement of what you will be working on during your stay at the centre.


Ongoing. Applications should be submitted to the centre no later than three weeks before the deadline of the proposed post-doctoral funding body. The fellowship will take effect upon approval of post-doctoral funding.

Selection will be made by the CSRS Program Committee and will be based on the academic merit of the proposal, the views of the referees and the recent scholarly activity of the candidate.

Please forward one copy of your completed application to: Dr. Paul Bramadat, Director, Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø. Applications may be sent by email to or by mail or courier to the CSRS.