
CSRS Associate Fellow Review Committee (AFRC)


Purpose: The AFRC meets periodically to assess the scholarship, collegiality and citizenship of fellows. Regarding scholarship, the committee is interested in whether the scholar’s interests continue to reflect the mandate of the CSRS (see: www.csrs.uvic.ca), recognizing that there are many ways to demonstrate meaningful and interesting intellectual activity. Regarding citizenship and collegiality, the AFRC is interested in an applicant’s demonstrated capacity to engage in friendly critical interactions with the wide range of people who visit the centre, and his or her ability to participate in respectful conversations about a wide range of topics. The candidate’s active and constructive participation in CSRS coffee discussions, lectures, and special events will also be considered in this process.   

The AFRC has two main roles: (1) to review renewal applications and to make recommendations to the Program Committee, and (2) to provide advice on special circumstances (see below). 

Membership: The AFRC will normally consist of six members. These include three CSRS staff members (the director, program coordinator, and administrative assistant); two fellows from the CSRS community (one community sabbaticant and one graduate student fellow); and one member of the CSRS Program Committee. 

Special Circumstances: Should any concerns arise about an Associate Fellow’s compliance with the above criteria (scholarship, collegiality and citizenship), these will be dealt with by the Director who will take advice from the AFRC and, when appropriate, the Program Committee. The AFRC can be called on to review a case at any point during a fellow’s term.

If you would like to know more about AFRC, please contact CSRS Program Coordinator at csrspc@uvic.ca.

(updated in May 2020)