
UVic Faculty fellowships 2025/26

The Centre for Studies in Religion and Society (CSRS) at the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø welcomes applications from UVic faculty interested in participating in our dynamic interdisciplinary research community.

Deadline – Monday, November 11, 2024

Number of awards

Two six-month fellowships (1) July 1-Dec 31 2025 and (2) Jan 1-Jun 30 2026.


In accord with the centre’s mandate (see: www.csrs.uvic.ca), faculty fellows should be working on projects involving the scholarly study of religion in relation to any and all aspects of society and culture, both contemporary and historical. Topics may include, but are not limited to, critical examinations of religious themes within the areas of ethics, health, law, environment, gender, sexual identity, technology, government and public policy, human conflict, art, literature, the media, currents and debates in philosophy and the natural sciences.


Faculty members with regular tenured or tenure-track appointments at the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø are welcome to apply. Please note: past recipients of the CSRS Faculty Fellowship are eligible to re-apply after an interval of at least five years. 


Faculty fellows will receive teaching-release time equal to the value of one 1.5 credit course. Fellows will also have a private office in the Sedgewick Building, a mailbox, access to scanner and photocopier services, and opportunities to participate in all CSRS social and academic activities.


Faculty fellows are expected to give a public lecture on a theme in the area of their research, and to take advantage of the private office space provided in the centre and the regular activities of the CSRS (e.g., daily informal meetings over coffee and tea, weekly public lectures of other centre fellows). Fellows do not need to participate in all events but are expected to be involved in the thriving academic and social life of the centre. Fellowship periods begin July 1 2025 or Jan 1 2026.

Application Procedures

Applications must include:

  • a current CV;
  • a letter of support from the applicant’s department chair granting the applicant release from all significant administrative duties as well as from teaching duties (down to no more than one course) during the fellowship period;
  • this completed UVic Faculty Fellowship application form;
  • two PDF letters of support for the project from scholars familiar with the field, emailed directly to .  

Please note that any research involving human subjects will require approval of the UVic Human Ethics Review Board. Applications are reviewed by the CSRS Program Committee in December. All materials should be submitted to addressed to Paul Bramadat, Director.

Please note: Candidates are responsible for ensuring their applications are complete and submitted by the deadline of November 11, 2024.

Applicants are encouraged to visit the centre and/or to meet with the CSRS director prior to submitting an application in order to learn more about the centre. Please use the following form to apply to the CSRS Faculty Fellowship.

Download 2025-26 Faculty Fellowship Application Form.