
International Youth Leadership Program


IYLP participants outside the BC parliament building
A group of IYLP participants pose with a guide wearing period costume after a tour of the BC parliament buildings in Victoria. Since 2014, CAPI has hosted over two thousand undergraduate students from China for one- and two-week experential learning programs focusing on west coast and Indigenous history and culture, environmental studies, sociology, and more.

CAPI's International Youth Leadership Program (IYLP) provides Chinese undergraduate students invaluable experiential learning on the beautiful west coast of Canada.

In operation since 2014, this multi–day educational leadership program delivers a global learning experience to students through a combination of on-campus academic lectures and off-campus field trips covering topics such as local west coast and Indigenous history; gender, sexuality and identity studies; Canadian and First Nations art; and comparative sociology.

The Program runs during the months of March through June and September through to December, with an average class size of 45 students. With a focus on optimizing learning outcomes, students are taught by the 番茄社区 faculty, CAPI Associates and PhD candidates from the faculties of Law, Humanities and Social Sciences. Field trips are designed to parallel lectures and include visits to the Royal BC Museum, the BC Legislature, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Craigdarroch Castle, Goldstream Provincial Park, Swan Lake Nature House and a visit to SṈIDȻEȽ, a First Nations territory.

The IYLP is a collaboration between CAPI and .

国际青年领袖培训项目是维多利亚大学亚太发 展促进中心主办的体验式学习项目。该项目为 从中国远道而来的学生在加拿大提供国际学习 和旅行的体验。

此项目成立至今已有五年。这个为时六日的体 验式领袖培训项目通过校内的学术课堂与校外 的实践活动为中国学生创造与国际接轨的学习 体验。学习的课题包括:加拿大西岸历史;性 别、性取向与性别身份研究;加拿大艺术史; 以及比较社会学。

此项目开办时间为每年 的三月至六月以及九月 至十二月;课堂人数为平均45人。为使学生获 得最优的学习体验,项目教师队伍包括维多利 亚大学在职教师、CAPI人员以及法律和人文社 科系的在读博士生。校外实践活动旨在与校内 的课堂内容相呼应匹配,地点包括英属哥伦比 亚皇家博物馆、英属哥伦比亚省议会大楼、奎 达洛城堡、金溪省级公园、天鹅湖自然景园以 及参观SNDICEL—— 原住民领地。

国际青年领袖培训项目是CAPI与北方国际教育 集团——一个在中国拥有18所高校的联盟机构 共同开办的项目。其中11所院校向CAPI定期输 送学生参与此项

我们期待着带领你们参与这次独特的历险旅 程!

IYLP participant examining a First Nations woven cedar hat

photo of inside the BC parliament building



IYLP participants posing with a UVic student on campus as part of a scavenger hunt

The International Youth Leadership Program is overseen by CAPI Associate Director 亚太发展促进中心副主任 Helen Lansdowne 海伦.蓝斯登








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