
The Legacy of Japanese Canadian Redress

March 27, 2017
04:30 PM - 06:00 PM
DSB C116

An Ayukawa Commemorative Event

The Legacy of Japanese Canadian Redress: A Reflection/An Assessment
Presented by Dr Roy Miki

29 March | 4:30pm | DSB C116

On September 22, 1988, Japanese Canadians finally achieved their goal of “justice in our time” for their
wrongful internment during the 1940s. On that day, the National Association of Japanese Canadians
(NAJC) signed a redress agreement with the federal government.
In his talk, Dr. Miki returns to the dynamics of redress in the 1980s, reflecting on the major elements of
the NAJC’s position as well as the social and political contexts that shaped the formation of its redress
movement. From this perspective, he will offer an assessment of the legacy of redress through an
examination of redress agreements offered to other groups. He includes a comparative look at Japanese
Canadian redress and the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, the most substantial redress
agreement to date, signed on May 8, 2006, by representatives of residential school survivors and
the federal government. 

Presentation by Dr Roy Miki
Roy Miki, Professor Emeritus (English) of Simon Fraser University, is an award-winning poet and was one of the leaders in the fight
for Japanese Canadian redress. He is the author of several books, including Redress: Inside the Japanese Canadian Call for Justice
(Raincoast 2004), as well as five books of poems. His third book of poems, Surrender (Mercury Press 2001), received the Governor
General’s Award for Poetry.

• Ayukawa Commemorative Fund
• UVic Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives
• UVic Department of History
• UVic Indigenous Studies Program
• Asian Canadians on Vancouver Island: Race, Indigeneity, and the Transpacific Research Project
• Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society
CAPI Communications