
Forest and Wildfire Management in Nepal

March 14, 2017
12:30 PM - 01:30 PM
Lunch and learn
HSD A270

Forest and Wildfire Management in Nepal

Forest fire is emerging as one of the major challenges threatening biodiversity in general and forest ecosystems in particular in Nepal
Sindhu Prasad Dhungana, PhD., Under Secretary, Department of Forests

Motivated by that pronouncement, the facts on the ground of the increasing frequency and devastation by forest and wildfires as well as Canada’s extensive experience in fire prevention and response, a focused 2-year project was developed by Thompson Rivers University with the support of the International Development Research Centre (Ottawa) in partnership with Nepal Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management. Ivan will outline the complexity of issues affecting decision-making and the agreed development process for the establishment of a new cell within the Nepal Department of Forests to lead the management and coordination of effective fire response.

Presented by Ivan G. Somlai

CAPI Associate Ivan G. Somlai has had involvement with forestry in Indonesia and Bangladesh since 1995. In Nepal, he has consulted in multisectoral projects with the government and international partners since 1976. His more recent work has been with extractives in Mongolia and a lecture related to the dichotomy of western and eastern influences in Pakistan. Kindly visit his website for more details at: http://ethnobureaucratica.weebly.com

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