
Stories from the Field – Internship experiences in Bangladesh and the Philippines

February 03, 2015
12:30 PM - 01:30 PM
Student event
UVic, David Strong Building, Room C118

As part of International Development week, the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives will be hosting a student-led event that will provide an opportunity to engage with returnee interns and to learn about the incredible experiences they had during their recent international placements. This event will also give students and faculty the chance to learn about our upcoming internship program and gain insight into these unique learning opportunities.  

Elsie Daoust is a 4th year political science and history student who spent the past 6 moths in Quezon City Philippines working with Migrant Forum in Asia. She will discussing her experience working with MFA and the incredible learning opportunities it provided her in gaining a more in depth understanding of Asian migration in the context of development. She will draw upon the work she was engaged with on MFA's Missions Program in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, which works alongside foreign embassies of migrant origin countries, to better understand issues and challenges faced by migrant workers in the Gulf. She had the opportunity to work in both Qatar and the UAE,  and can talk about specific programs related to the upcoming FIFA 2022 coming to Qatar and Expo 2020 coming to Dubai. 

Kip Jorgensen is a 4th year political science student who has recently returned from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Bangladesh is considered to be one of the most vulnerable countries to current and impending climate change, with large populations anticipated to be displaced. Yet researchers at the Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) have found migration to be a potential low-cost adaptation strategy to the impacts of environmental change, for both migrants and sending communities. In this presentation Kip will describe some of RMMRU's recent findings, as well as his own experiences as an intern at RMMRU and living in Bangladesh.

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Robyn Fila, International Internship Program Manager