
Transnational Law and Why it Matters for Asia

November 18, 2015
03:00 PM - 04:30 PM
Sedgewick C168

Presentation by Dr. Victor V. Ramraj

Chair in Asia-Pacific Legal Relations, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives and Professor of Law, UVic Faculty of Law

For most of the twentieth century—with echoes from the nineteenth—law has been understood as the product of nation-states. Today, we find ourselves in an age where the state is losing its monopolistic grip on law, with profound implications for the way communities are organized and the norms that are deployed to govern them. This shift in legal thinking has profound global implications, but for a variety of historical, economic, and geopolitical reasons, it has a special significance for much of Asia. 

This presentation—drawing on Professor Ramraj’s works-in-progress—will explain how transnational legal norms are understood by a growing body of legal thinkers and why this emerging understanding of law offers both a new and an old way of thinking about many of the most pressing regulatory and policy challenges in contemporary Asia.

This presentation will appeal to faculty and graduate students in law, business, history, economics, Pacific and Asian studies, and political science.

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Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives