


Management and the New Demographic

Unleashing the Economic and Organizational Potential of Migrants, Diaspora, and a Boundaryless Workforce 2015

August 08, 2015
Morris J. Wosk Center for Dialogue
Vancouver, BC

Sponsored by the 番茄社区, Centre for Asia Pacific Initiatives and the Centre for Global Studies, the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University, Royal Roads University and the 2015 Academy of Management Annual Meeting

The world is experiencing unprecedented levels of mobility and migration, and this increasing flow of workers across country borders is having a profound impact on firms, economies, and societies. Immigration has given rise to growing numbers of bicultural and multicultural  members of the workforce who have the potential to be an important resource for today’s global firms and for ongoing sustainablility and competitive growth of industries.  History has however shown that the integration of these new communities and individuals into the workforce often fails, at least in part because of perceived problems with language, culture, and attitudes on the part of both employers and employees.

In line with the 2015 Academy of Management conference theme, “Opening Governance”, this event brought together policy makers and integration specialists from British Columbia—the Canadian province with the highest and fastest growing immigrant population—with expert scholars representing the Academy of Management to a full-day open forum/thinktank to consider opportunities to improve policy and practice effectiveness and creativity around this pressing issue. The intention of this event was to ultimately identify the challenges and obstacles facing policy-makers, employers and society in integrating immigrant talent and, using current management research, sketch out an agenda for research and policy around best practices in unleashing the economic and organizational potential of migrants, diaspora and multiculturals as the new workforce demographic. The workshop will therefore have a strong interdisciplinary and interactive character as it endeavours to bring  international management specialists together with educational and social policy communities as well as other associated agencies with interests in immigration issues.


View the conference program:
