
Asia Desk Forum

April 15, 2015 - April 18, 2015



Leading lawyers, academics and policy-makers from 11 countries on four continents—Chile, Columbia, the US, Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, India and Australia—came together for an in-depth look at recent legal developments in Asia and their relevance to the Americas. Hosted by CAPI and UVic's Faculty of Law, the Asia Desk Forum provided a unique opportunity for private and public sector lawyers with an Asian dimension to their practice to extend and deepen their knowledge of cutting-edge legal issues through a series of workshops, panels, and lectures, led by those who know Asia best. The pre-conference Asian Law Academy (15-16 April 2015), aimed at early-career lawyers, and the main Conference Program (16-18 April 2015), were organized around issues of acute relevance to Asian legal practice, such as international arbitration in Asia, doing business in India, recent developments in China and ASEAN, energy law, corporate social responsibility, and Latin America-Asia legal relations.


View the conference program:
