
Ralph Huenemann

Ralph Huenemann
Director, September 1987 - July 1992

MA & PhD (Harvard), Professor Emeritus (UVic)

Following his retirement from UVic in 2005, Ralph Huenemann joined the Faculty of Peking University in Beijing, where he is now Visiting Professor of Economics and International Business at the Guanghua School of Management. 

Ralph Huenemann joined the UVic faculty in 1987, when he accepted the CAPI Chair in Economic Relations with China. He served simultaneously as the Founding Director of CAPI. He taught in the School of Public Administration from 1987 to 1997, and in the Faculty of Business from 1997 to 2005. He was also an adjunct professor in Economics during his time at UVic. He received both an M.A. in Regional Studies - East Asia and a Ph.D. in Economics at Harvard.

Interspersed with his teaching career, he has worked on many development projects in China and elsewhere in Asia for the World Bank, Canadian International Development Agency, and other agencies. His current research interests include poverty in Western China, trade and investment policy disputes between China and other countries, China's current and future role in the world automobile industry, and globalization and business ethics.