
UVic Faculty

Physics and Astronomy
Experimental particle and astroparticle physics
Office: Elliott 213
番茄社区 Distinguished Professor
Physics and Astronomy
Cosmology, theoretical/computational astrophysics, cosmic structure formation
Office: Elliott 402A
Electrical & Computer Engineering
RF, wireless, microwave, millimeter-wave components and systems design
Office: EOW 309
Mechanical Engineering
Adaptive optics, astronomical instrumentation
Office: EOW 551
Assistant Professor
Physics and Astronomy
exoplanets and planet formation
Office: Elliott 205
Physics and Astronomy
Multi-wavelength studies of galaxies and AGN, QSO absorption lines
Office: Elliott 208
Associate Professor
School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Atmospheric evolution, planetary science, exoplanets
Office: Bob Wright A323
Physics and Astronomy
Stellar hydrodynamics, origin of the elements
Office: Elliott 214
Physics and Astronomy
Galaxy formation, dark matter, cosmology
Office: Elliott 402
Associate Teaching Professor
Physics and Astronomy
Optics, telerobotics and space exploration analogue missions
Office: Elliott 116
Professor, Director (ARC, NTCO)
Physics and Astronomy
Discovery and analysis of the oldest metal-poor stars to study the fossil record of the Galaxy and Local Group, as well as the origin of the elements.
Office: Elliott 111
Physics and Astronomy
Clusters of galaxies, galaxy evolution
Office: Elliott 211