
Colin Goldblatt

Colin  Goldblatt
Associate Professor
School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Office: Bob Wright A323
Area of expertise

Atmospheric evolution, planetary science, exoplanets

Research Focus

My main  focus is the atmospheric evolution of Earth and Earth-like planets. This is an interdisciplinary problem of Earth System Science and Planetary Science, by necessity integrating atmospheric and climate science, geology and geochemistry. Motivating questions include: How has Earth's atmospheric composition and climate evolved throughout Earth history, and what has determined this? What controls (exo)planet habitability? How does life affect planetary evolution?

My pre-UVic background is: Undergraduate Meteorology and Oceanography in the Schools of and at the University of East Anglia, PhD at UEA (again), NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow at NASA Ames Research Center Space , and Research Associate in the (part of the then NASA Astrobiology Institute) in the Astronomy department at the University of Washington

Interested in working with me? I typically hire one new grad students a year in the areas of palaeoclimate, evolution of Earth's atmosphere or planetary atmospheres. I have opportunities for undergraduates via Honours research, summer projects, workstudy and other opportunities. There are potentially opportunities for postdocs and visiting students too. See .


A full list of Publications is available .