

While the Advanced Microscopy Facility is designed to be a self-sufficient organization, with user fees and training fees funding the project, the facility could not have been created without external support, both financial and in through support of the proposal.

Financial supporters

Funding for the Advanced Microscopy Facility was provided by , the , , and the .

Proposal supporters

With regards to the initial CFI proposal, special thanks are given to Richard Keeler and Alex McAuley at UVic who promoted the CFI application, and to Jane Mertz and Alina Fisher for their editing. Thanks to Howard Brunt for his continuing support. The CFI applicants were:

  •  (PI) , , Canada
  • , Chief Corporate Scientist, ,, Japan
  • , Chair, Dept of Physics, , Belgium
  • , Professor Emeritus, , , Canada
  • , Canadian Research Chair, , , Canada
  • , Professor, , , Canada
  • , Canadian Research Chair, , , Canada
  • , Professor, , , Canada
  • , , Canada
  • , Canadian Research Chair, , , Canada

For housing the Advanced Microscopy Facility, thanks go to Gayle Gorill (VP Finance, UVic) for financing and our Facility Management Team of Eugene Heeger, Dino Valery and Larry Wilkinson. A special thanks to Martin Taylor (UVic's past VP Research) and John Braybrook (Head of Purchasing, UVic) for their timely support.