
Appealing after being required to withdraw

New applicants to UVic

The information on this webpage is for current UVic students. If you're applying to UVic as a new student and been denied admission or transfer credit, learn how to appeal an admission decision.

If you're required to withdraw from UVic, or your application for readmission (after withdrawing) is denied, you may want to consider submitting an appeal. This enables you to tell us about any difficult circumstances that have affected you recently, and how you'll improve your academic performance.

If your appeal is approved, your academic standing or application will be re-evaluated with the new information you've provided.

Grounds for appeal

The following reasons are considered to be sufficient grounds for appeal:

  • unforeseen extenuating circumstances supplemented with relevant documentation
  • significant physical affliction or psychological distress documented by a physician or other health care professional
  • documented significant distress, or documented significant responsibility as a caregiver, as a result of an immediate member of the family suffering from serious trauma or illness
  • evidence of incorrect advice or errors of administration by authorized University personnel, with evidence that the appellant's studies were adversely affected
  • new, material information that, despite the exercise of due diligence by the appellant, could not have been present at the time of the decision giving rise to the appeal, and the relevance and significance of the new information is such that if it has been submitted at the time of the decision it could have reasonably be expected to have altered the outcome

The following reasons are not sufficient grounds for appeal:

  • dissatisfaction with University regulations
  • disagreements concerning the evaluation of admissibility (for example, calculation of GPA, credit conversion, or questions regarding English proficiency)
  • transfer credit equivalency
  • failure to meet published deadlines

Submitting an appeal

Before you appeal, contact the records officer who evaluated your file. Your officer will be familiar with your academic background and can help you determine if you have pursued all other reviews, appeals or remedies before proceeding with your appeal.

Your appeal must include:

  1. A completed Notice of Appeal form
  2. Letter of Appeal – a written statement of the reasons and grounds for your appeal, and your plans to ensure academic success
  3. Documentation that supports your appeal, such as:
    • Documentation from a physician or other health care professional
    • Evidence of incorrect advice or errors of administration by University personnel
    • Documented significant distress or responsibility as a caregiver
    • Documentation from an educator addressing the reason your academic record may not reflect your academic potential
    • Other information, as appropriate

Submit your appeal to your records officer by email. Your appeal and materials must be sent from the email address in your Netlink profile.

Submission deadline

Appeals are heard by the Senate Committee on Admission, Re-registration & Transfer Appeals (SCARTA), which meets throughout the year. The committee will consider the information you provide in your appeal and your academic record.

In most cases, an appeal must be submitted two weeks before a SCARTA meeting to allow time for staff to review your information. Your admission officer or records officer can advise you on the dates for upcoming SCARTA meetings.

SCARTA decisions

SCARTA will consider the written appeal materials provided, along with your academic record (i.e. transcripts). There are no personal appearances before the committee.

The committee will make a final decision on your appeal. However, you are permitted to appeal to the Senate Committee on Appeals on the grounds of specific procedural error.