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Etalew̓txʷ | ÁTOL,ÁUTW̱ | Centre of respect for the rights of one another and all beings


Planning Worksheet

Here at UVic, we all have a role to play in creating an environment where Sk̓ʷes | TŦE SKÁLs I, TŦE Ś,X̱ENAṈs |The Laws and Philosophies are respected and are reflected in all of the work we do. This planning worksheet is for teams and individuals to use while brainstorming ways to make the teachings and goals expressed by the renewed Indigenous Plan meaningful and relevant to the unique contexts of our work.

We ask teams to reflect on the priorities identified in Xʷkʷənəŋistəl | W̱ȻENEṈISTEL and identify within them actionable commitments to moving each other forward. At the end of the brainstorming exercise, consider how your team will define the success of each commitment and reflect on that resources you have, and the resources you may need, to bring those commitments to life.

Action Plan

[Forthcoming] This Action Plan summarizes the commitments made by the university in Xʷkʷənəŋistəl | W̱ȻENEṈISTEL. Inspired by the Coast Salish weaving framework, this abbreviated document shares our Guiding Statement, reflects on university-wide commitments and lists all of our goals and specific priorities. This booklet may be used to quickly reference the contents of the renewed Indigenous Plan.

More resources coming soon – please check back at a later date