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Etalew虛tx史 | 脕TOL,脕UTW瘫 | Centre of respect for the rights of one another and all beings

Past Indigenous Plans

UVic’s first Indigenous Plan built on UVic's longstanding commitment to and relationships with Indigenous communities, both local and national. The plan established ambitious goals and clear accountability to work together to increase educational opportunities and success for Indigenous students and further develop education, research, outreach and engagement initiatives, and programs with an Indigenous focus.

Aboriginal Service Plan

The Aboriginal Service Plan is comprised of a series of year-round activities, initiatives and events to support Indigenous students in their post-secondary journeys; this includes Elders in Residence, tutoring, weekly Noon Networking presentations, arts and culture workshops, Week of Welcome, and Week of Wellness.

The approved Aboriginal Service Plan for 2020-21 has more information on programs and partnerships. The ASP Report for 2019-20 has information about programs and services delivered last year.

Contact info

Aboriginal Service Plan: IACE, Indigenous Initiatives Coordinator, iaceiic@uvic.ca. 

First Indigenous Plan: OVPI, Director of Indigenous University Initiatives, vpidiui@uvic.ca
and Indigenousplan@uvic.ca.