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Etalew虛tx史 | 脕TOL,脕UTW瘫 | Centre of respect for the rights of one another and all beings

N蓹w虛es 拧x史 c蓹n 蕯ay虛 拧q史el蓹q史蓹n

脕ME岣碩 T纽EN 脥Y, 艢岣懊丩E然EN Bring in your good heart and mind

This teaching encourages us to bring in our good heart and mind in all of the work that we do. The Lək̓ʷəŋən words laləmət (to be careful) and laləməthut (to take care of yourself) remind us to be careful in how we talk, interact and care for ourselves and others, building each other up. Supporting an environment where people feel welcome to engage with a good heart and good mind, we learn to have courageous conversation and to respect diverse ways of knowing and being. We are reminded to remain attentive and accountable in our words and actions to ensure that we show up for ourselves, for each other and for our work in a good way.

Eydie Pelkey, Tsawout First Nation

Growing up I was always told to be careful about how I communicate, that how I treat people is a reflection of my family and my teachings, which I still tell my grandchildren. These teachings tell us how we’re supposed to be present and how we’re supposed to treat people.



To live this teaching and accomplish this goal, our priorities are to: 


3.1.1 Recognize and celebrate the ways Indigenous students offer their talent, leadership and knowledges, both inside and beyond the classroom, by: 

  1. creating procedures to facilitate respectful and appropriate compensation and honoraria for time and energy spent by students in university service (DRIPA Action 4.5d); and 
  2. ensuring that students have access to wellness supports and accommodations they need for taking on emotional labour and relational work. 

3.1.2 Integrate Indigenous cultural competencies and anti-racist/oppressive practice as key components for evaluating staff, administrator and executive job performance and faculty service, research and teaching, expanding our ideas of excellence. (DRIPA Action 3.3) 

3.1.3 Ensure that the relational work and emotional labour of Indigenous faculty are acknowledged and reflected in Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure (ARPT) processes and internal funding competitions. 

Learning and Teaching

3.2.1 Ensure that classroom experiences respect students and instructors as people who hold knowledge, carry family and community responsibilities and follow diverse pathways in life by: 

  1. creating accessible concession and accommodation policies, regulations, procedures and practices that honour the distinct community and cultural responsibilities Indigenous students, staff and faculty bring with them to the university; 
  2. setting robust expectations for classroom conduct where learners and instructors are supported by accountability mechanisms that prevent and address experiences of anti-Indigenous racism; and 
  3. providing instructors access to training to address and prevent anti-Indigenous racism using strengths-based and trauma-informed practices. (DRIPA Action 3.3) 

Research and Re-Searching

3.3.1 Recognize Indigenous research and community engagement in international funding competitions. 

3.3.2 Provide support, resources and recognition to faculty and staff mentoring Indigenous undergraduate and graduate student researchers. 

Governance and Operations

3.4.1 Expand dispute resolution protocols to uphold a community of accountability, responsibility and care by: 

  1. creating avenues for addressing anti-Indigenous racism, discrimination and lateral violence through dispute resolution protocols that flow from Indigenous teachings and processes (DRIPA Action 3.3); 
  2. addressing systemic inequities and experiences of anti-Indigenous racism by ensuring that university units and other relevant bodies (e.g., bargaining units and student societies) are equipped with the appropriate tools to assess and improve the campus climate (DRIPA Action 3.3); and 
  3. developing and resourcing sufficient Indigenous-specific positions across campus to improve systems and structures and resolve disputes. (DRIPA Action 3.3) 
Learn about other goals or listen to audio of goal names.