
Scientific dive training

The scientific diving program is based on the

This program assists researchers in safely conducting underwater scientific studies on SCUBA as certified level 1 (20m/60ft) divers.

CAUS level 1

This training is intended for eligible participants registered in the scientific diving program with a planned or approved project.

The following is a general overview and example of the training program:

1. Scientific diving theory via Brightspace

  • Complete the online theory course.
    • Note: theory must be completed before you start the ocean dives.   
  • Please email  to be enrolled.

2. Swimming/diving skills evaluation

  • A training session will be scheduled at McKinnon pool.
  • This session is not optional and must be completed before ocean dives commence.

4. Certifications

  • Dive accident management training
    • This course will be scheduled as required; over 1 to 2 days.
    • The course includes a classroom session and practical component in the ocean. 
  • Oxygen administration for divers
    • This is a full day in-class course and will be scheduled as required.
    • The course includes an online theory component that must be completed in advance of the classroom session.

6. Ocean dives

  • Dives will be scheduled over a number of months. 
  • You must be able to commit to attending 25 dives (15 hours dive time) over a period of ~ 6 months. This generally requires joining 15 of the scheduled dive days.
  • A calendar will be posted with pre-scheduled dive days for you to register for attendance.
  • Your dive project/plan must be sent to the DSO for review no later than 2 weeks before your first ocean dive training session.

7. Diver-in-charge practical

  • Each diver will need to demonstrate diver-in-charge competency. This will include:
    • submission of a dive plan 2 weeks prior to your practical
    • being diver-in-charge for your dive day (e.g. discussions of hazards & risks, instructions for the dive plan, confirmation that diver logs are completed appropriately)