
Incident reporting and investigations

When an incident occurs, contact Campus Security if first aid is required. For medical or emergency assistance, first call 911 and then call Campus Security. 

All accidents, injuries and near-misses must then be reported as soon as possible to a supervisor using the Departmental Incident & Investigation Report (DIIR). 

What to report

Faculty and staff should report incidents using the Department Incident & Investigation Report (DIIR) that resulted in any of the following:

  • Injury, exposure or occupational disease
  • Time-loss from work
  • Medical treatment (by a physician)
  • First aid call-out (for work-related injuries)
  • Near-miss (no injury but potential to cause serious injury)
  • Equipment failure
  • Hazardous material spill/environmental release
  • Property damage
  • All immediate reportable incidents, as prescribed by WorkSafeBC.

Note: Students should also report any of the above incidents that occurred in a teaching or research laboratory on campus or as part of approved fieldwork.

Incident investigations

  • Preliminary investigations must be completed within 48 hours by the Supervisor/P.I. for all reported incidents; including WSBC claims.
  • Full investigations must be completed within 30 days of the incident if the issues could not be fully assessed and corrected during the Preliminary investigation.
  • For all WSBC claims or serious incidents, a joint investigation must be completed with the Supervisor/P.I. and worker/union representative.
  • OHSE will assist in coordinating joint investigations.
  • Please submit all investigation reports to OHSE  when completed.
  • All completed reports will be reviewed by the appropriate joint Local Safety Committee (LSC).

Accident Record Book

Minor incidents that do not meet the reporting criteria for completion of the DIIR should be recorded in your department / unit's Accident Record Book.

The Accident Record Book may be completed using either:

All completed records must be sent to your supervisor or unit head for follow-up and record keeping.

Immediate reporting to WorkSafeBC

Certain types of incidents require an immediate report to WorkSafeBC. Please contact Campus Security at 250-721-7599 if any of the following occur:

  • Any incident that resulted in serious injury to or the death of a worker
  • A major leak or release of a hazardous substance
  • A major structural failure or collapse of a building, hoist or construction support system
  • Any blasting accident that results in injury or unusual event involving explosives
  • Any incident of fire or explosion with the potential to cause serious injury
  • A diving incident that causes death, injury or decompression sickness requiring treatment

OHSE will then notify WorkSafeBC, ensure that the accident scene is protected and coordinate a joint incident investigation.