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Travel checklist

Health & insurance

  • Purchase emergency medical insurance if you’re not already covered
  • Review policy exclusions and limitations that may affect coverage
  • Record your policy number and insurance company’s phone number
  • Inform BC MSP of your travel plan if travelling for longer than 6 months
  • Consider liability insurance, cancellation, trip interruption or baggage insurance
  • Contact International SOS [+1.215.942.8478] or a travel clinic for:
    • Vaccination recommendations
    • Information about travelling with medication (restrictions, availability at destination)
  • Carry medicine in carry-on luggage in original packaging

Travel documents

  • Check that your passport is valid for 6 months after your return
  • Check visa requirements and secure the correct visa for your travel type
  • Leave unnecessary documents at home, including birth certificates, social insurance cards, drivers licenses, extra credit cards
  • Print and email (or cloud store) copies of:
    • Passport identification page
    • Visa and travel documents
    • Insurance policy and phone number
    • Medical records (including vaccinations)
    • Identification cards (e.g. driver’s license)
    • Travel itinerary
    • Destination contact information (address & phone)
    • Emergency contact information
    • International SOS membership card
    • Other (international driving permit, etc)


  • Pack a travel health kit appropriate for your situation and destination (e.g. sunscreen, insect repellent, condoms, water filter, adhesive bandages, vitamins, ear plugs, ...)
  • Prescriptions (enough to cover your whole stay)
  • Spare glasses, contact lens solution, etc.
  • Toiletries (if not readily available at your destination)
  • Gifts for host
  • Water bottle, headphones, daypack, chargers and adapters
  • Converter for your electronics (if necessary)

Money & communications

  • Plan a budget including emergency funds
  • Notify your bank and credit card provider of your travel plans to avoid unnecessary account holds
  • Research your destination’s banking system
    • Review banking fees
    • Card compatibilities with ATMs
  • Exchange a small amount of your money into local currency before you leave
  • Determine if you will use your own phone and roam or get a local phone number upon arrival
  • Make plans to keep in touch with your support network at home (e.g. weekly Skype check-ins). Use Google Voice or free apps that work through Wi-Fi to avoid high roaming charges. Turn off your data.

Emergency planning

  • Use International SOS to research your destination and know the 4 Cs: Culture, Customs, Currency, and Climate
  • Review Global Affairs and International SOS travel advisories for your destination
  • Complete the UVic Travel Registry
  • Sign UVic’s Liability Waiver for students
  • Download the International SOS app and sign up for travel alerts for your destination country
  • Obtain an ISOS membership card (from Global Engagement) and keep it in your wallet while abroad
  • Register your travel details with your government to receive advice and support in an emergency
    • Canadians sign up with ROCA (Registration of Canadians Abroad)
  • Complete any UVic program specific pre-departure requirements

In case of an emergency

  1. Contact International SOS + 1 215 942 8478 quoting your UVic membership ID number. They are available 24/7, accept collect calls, and can offer medical and travel security support in an emergency.
  2. Contact local authorities (check with ISOS if you are unsure whether this is appropriate) or your host organization (if applicable) for immediate assistance.
  3. Respond to any communications received by UVic. The university will reach out to you in the event of a critical incident to confirm your safety and offer resources.
  4. Maintain vigilance and follow the advice of local authorities and International SOS.