
Course Materials

Lab Manuals

Academic departments are responsible for the complete preparation of lab manuals.

  • They must be requested through UVic Printing Services, and sold through the .
  • All material (e.g. images, photos, graphs, figures etc.) provided to students should adhere to the copying guidelines.
    • If copying guidelines are exceeded, permissions must be negotiated with the copyright holder, and any associated copyright fees paid by the department.
    • Permissions are usually purchased for each term the material is used.
  • Citation of third-party material used in the manual is a requirement. 
  • Departments should retain a record of all material included in the manual.

Department/Course manuals

Department/Course manuals are print anthologies of various materials, such as journal articles, chapters from books and the professor's own work, submitted by the department directly to UVic Printing Services for production, and then sold through the . 

  • All material provided to students should adhere to the copying guidelines.
    • If copying guidelines are exceeded, permissions must be negotiated with the copyright holder, and any associated copyright fees paid by the department
    • Permissions are usually purchased for each term the material is used.
  • All department manuals should include a fair dealing statement. This lets students know that materials distributed to them may only be used for research and private study.
  • Departments should retain a record of all material included in the manual.

Should you have any questions please contact the Copyright Office.

The Copyright Office makes every effort to provide accurate information but does not offer it as counsel or legal advice.