
Course Materials

See Course reserve services for information about requesting course reserves materials.

Course materials often include the use of copyright protected works. UVic supports multiple options for delivering course readings and materials to your students. Each method offers its own advantages.

Here are a some quick tools to help you decide what you can use in your teaching:

UVic copyright flowchart

Fair Dealing copying guidelines

Using government works

For more specific guidance, select a course materials type from the menu above.

*Remember that linking to material, legally posted online, is always permissible as an alternative to copying.*

Out of respect for administrative time, and to reduce confusion for students, please use only one delivery method per item. For example, an item in a coursepack should not also be made available electronically, and vice versa.

Should you have any questions please contact the Copyright Office.

The Copyright Office makes every effort to provide accurate information but does not offer it as counsel or legal advice.