
Canadian Copyright Act

30.4 For greater certainty, the exceptions to infringement of copyright provided for under sections 29.4 to 30.3 and 45 also apply in respect of a library, archive or museum that forms part of an educational institution.


Management and Maintenance of Collection

a) if the original is rare or unpublished and is i) deteriorating, damaged or lost, or (ii) at risk of deterioration or becoming damaged or lost;

(b) for the purposes of on-site consultation if the original cannot be viewed, handled or listened to because of its condition or because of the atmospheric conditions in which it must be kept;

(c) in an alternative format if the library, archive or museum or a person acting under the authority of the library, archive or museum considers that the original is currently in a format that is obsolete or is becoming obsolete, or that the technology required to use the original is unavailable or is becoming unavailable;

(d) for the purposes of internal record-keeping and cataloguing;

(e) for insurance purposes or police investigations; or

(f) if necessary for restoration.


(2) Paragraphs (1)(a) to (c) do not apply where an appropriate copy is commercially available in a medium and of a quality that is appropriate for the purposes of subsection (1).

Destruction of Intermediate Copies

30.1 (3) If a person must make an intermediate copy in order to make a copy under subsection (1), the person must destroy the intermediate copy as soon as it is no longer needed.

Research or Private Study

(1) It is not an infringement of copyright for a library, archive or museum or a person acting under its authority to do anything on behalf of any person that the person may do personally under section 29 or 29.1.
Copies of articles for research, etc.

(2) It is not an infringement of copyright for a library, archive or museum or a person acting under the authority of a library, archive or museum to make, by reprographic reproduction, for any person requesting to use the copy for research or private study, a copy of a work that is, or that is contained in, an article published in

(a) a scholarly, scientific or technical periodical; or

(b) a newspaper or periodical, other than a scholarly, scientific or technical periodical, if the newspaper or periodical was published more than one year before the copy is made.


(3) Paragraph (2)(b) does not apply in respect of a work of fiction or poetry or a dramatic or musical work.


(4) A library, archive or museum may provide the person for whom the copy is made under subsection (2) with the copy only on the condition that

(a) the person is provided with a single copy of the work; and

(b) the library, archive or museum informs the person that the copy is to be used solely for research or private study and that any use of the copy for a purpose other than research or private study may require the authorization of the copyright owner of the work in question.

Patrons of other libraries, etc.

(5) Subject to subsection (5.02), a library, archive or museum, or a person acting under the authority of one, may do, on behalf of a patron of another library, archive or museum, anything under subsection (1) or (2) that it is authorized by this section to do on behalf of one of its own patrons.


(5.01) For the purpose of subsection (5), the making of a copy of a work other than by reprographic reproduction is deemed to be a making of a copy of the work that may be done under subsection (2).

Limitation regarding copies in digital form

(5.02) A library, archive or museum, or a person acting under the authority of one, may, under subsection (5), provide a copy in digital form to a person who has requested it through another library, archive or museum if the providing library, archive or museum or person takes measures to prevent the person who has requested it from

(a) making any reproduction of the digital copy, including any paper copies, other than printing one copy of it;

(b) communicating the digital copy to any other person; and

(c) using the digital copy for more than five business days from the day on which the person first uses it.

Destruction of intermediate copies

(5.1) Where an intermediate copy is made in order to copy a work referred to in subsection (5), once the copy is given to the patron, the intermediate copy must be destroyed.

Copying Works Deposited in Archive

(1) Subject to subsections (3) and (3.1), it is not an infringement of copyright for an archive to make, for any person requesting to use the copy for research or private study, a copy of an unpublished work that is deposited in the archive and provide the person with it.

(2) When a person deposits a work in an archive, the archive must give the person notice that it may copy the work in accordance with this section.

Conditions for copying of works

(3) The archive may copy the work only on the condition that

(a) the person who deposited the work, if a copyright owner, did not, at the time the work was deposited, prohibit its copying; and

(b) copying has not been prohibited by any other owner of copyright in the work.

Condition for providing copy

(3.1) The archive may provide the person for whom a copy is made under subsection (1) with the copy only on the condition that

(a) the person is provided with a single copy of the work; and

(b) the archive informs the person that the copy is to be used solely for research or private study and that any use of the copy for a purpose other than research or private study may require the authorization of the copyright owner of the work in question.

Machines Installed in Educational Institutions, Libraries, Archives, and Museums

(1) An educational institution or a library, archive or museum does not infringe copyright where

(a) a copy of a work is made using a machine for the making, by reprographic reproduction, of copies of works in printed form;

(b) the machine is installed by or with the approval of the educational institution, library, archive or museum on its premises for use by students, instructors or staff at the educational institution or by persons using the library, archive or museum; and

(c) there is affixed in the prescribed manner and location a notice warning of infringement of copyright.