
Featured Microforms collections

Archive Americana

Formerly available in Microprint, these collections are now available online. Find them under .

  • American broadsides and Ephemera. Series I.
  • American State Papers
  • Early American Imprints 1639-1800 (Evans Series I)
  • Early American Imprints 1801-1819 (Shaw-Shoemaker Series II)
  • Early American Newspapers Series I
  • United States Serial Set
  • United States Serial Set Maps

British Columbia Government Documents from 1998 - 2010. 

Online access to full text documents from 1991 provided via the Library Catalogue and the Legislative Library of British Columba. Microfiche are located at call number J103 C3M5. To find these documents, search the online ,  which indexes publications and research literature from all levels of Canadian government, as well as publications of institutes receiving research grants. The titles within this collection can be found through .

Canada. Parliament.  House of Commons and Senate Committees [ microform]  

Shelved by Session of Parliament and committee name.  Located at call number J103 K6N381.  Also available at the Law Library,  Canadian parliamentary committees [microform], 1935-2008 Law Library MIcrofiche KE37 C35.

Canada. Unpublished House of Commons Sessional Papers [microform] 12th Parliament, 6th session (12 Jan. 1916/18 May 1916)]-33rd Parliament, 2nd session (30 Sept./1986/1 Oct. 1980.  Law Library Microfilm KE55.2 C362

English Books 1475-1650 (STC I Pollard and Redgrave) ,  English Books 1641-1700 (STC II, Wing) and the Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalogue 1701-1800.  

Early English books, dating from 1472 to 1800, are accessed in either microform sets or online databases.    The UVic Library holds two microfilm collections  (located at PR1105 U5 Accession no. 207and PR1105 U52 Accession no.204 ) holding full text editions of the titles included in STC I and STC II.  The British Library’s online database “English Short Title Catalogue”, (also known as ESTC) includes STC I, STC II, and also the 18th C.    Access to ESTC is free at   .  For online access to full text versions of titles, check and

France. Journal Officiel. Debats Parlementaires. Chambre Des Deputes, 1881-1940.

The official record of the country's legislative body, The National Assembly (Chambre des Deputes) from 1881 to the dissolution of the Third Republic on July 9, 1940, at Vichy. It gives verbatim accounts of parliamentary debates, records of roll-call votes, texts of laws and decrees and various other public documents. Microfiche J341 K2.

Great Britain. House of Commons Parliamentary Papers.

Formerly available on Microprint, this online collection provides access to 19th and 20th Century as well as current Great Britain House of Commons sessional papers and supplementary material. Find it online at .

Incunabula: The Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500.

From the Oxford English Dictionary: 2. (With sing.incunabulum): Books produced in the infancy of the art of printing; spec. those printed before 1500.

This microfiche collection (located at call number Z240 I535) assembles--in thematic units numbered 1 to 81--full-text editions of incunabula from libraries around the world. See the and the Incunabula Short Title Catalogue at 

J. Edgar Hoover and Radicalism in Hollywood Part 1: Communist Infiltration of the Motion Picture Industry

The investigation of Hollywood by the FBI was a continuation of pressures first exerted in the late 1930s and 1940s by the Dies Committee and State Senator Jack Tenney's California Joint Fact-finding Committee on Un-American Activities. HUAC charged that Communists had established a significant base in the dominant medium of mass culture. Communists were said to be placing subversive messages into Hollywood films and discriminating against unsympathetic colleagues. A further concern was that Communists were in a position to place negative images of the United States in films that would have wide international distribution. Files in this collection include investigations of mainstream films, informer reports, and surveillance of hundreds of influential writers, actors, directors, producers, union leaders, and studio executives. The investigations chronicle the working of major studios, such as Paramount, RKO, and Warner Brothers, and the power struggles between the studios, studio management, and labor unions. Microfilm collection located at E743.5 J2 Accession no.1174a.