
Exchange terms

Cherry blossoms on exchange
Cherry blossoms on exchange

We have a number of student exchange agreements with law schools in and outside of Canada. Participating in an exchange can enrich your learning experience as you study law at other universities for credit towards your UVic JD.

Information for incoming exchange students

Information for outgoing exchange students

On exchange, you'll learn about different legal systems and prepare for the increasingly globalized legal environment in Canada and elsewhere. We currently have student exchange agreements with law faculties of the following universities:


- Singapore
- Hong Kong, PRC
- Limerick, Ireland
- Sydney, Australia
- Utrecht, Netherlands
- Wellington, New Zealand 
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
* - Tempe, Arizona
* - Vancouver, BC

*These institutions are not available to UVic Law students in 2016-2017.

Please address any questions you may have to the Assistant to the Associate Dean at or 250-721-8152.