
Are you a Law student?

Law Centre clinic student training

The Law Centre provides law students with clinical and legal education. Students are trained and supervised in the conduct of legal matters by lawyers who are members of the 番茄社区, Faculty of Law. 

What to expect as a student

The Law Centre Program is a full term course worth 7.5 units. The Program is offered three times per year, during the Fall, Spring and Summer Terms. The Program is open to 14 students each term. To foster a cooperative spirit, the Program is a pass-fail course. There are no pass pluses or fail minuses.

While enrolled in the Program students will develop skills, including: interviewing, counselling, negotiation, drafting and oral advocacy skills. Students will use the latter when appearing before the Provincial Court (in the Criminal, Family and Small Claims Divisions) and administrative tribunals (such Employment and Assistance Tribunals, EI Board of Referees, CPP Tribunals, and Residential Tenancy Arbitrators).

Students can also expect to became familiar with criminal law and procedure, civil procedure as it relates to Small Claims, Family and Divorce matters, evidence, family law, corrections law, consumer law and social welfare legislation including Employment Insurance, CPP, Employment and Assistance (welfare), landlord and tenant and human rights law.

The term begins with a four week intensive Orientation Period. The Orientation is conducted in the Moot Courtroom of the UVic Faculty of Law. Some students have described the Orientation Period as "boot camp." But former students will tell you they never learned so much in so little time. During the Orientation Period class will meet daily from 9:00 a.m. to at least 5:00 p.m. At this time students will be introduced students to the skills and law they will need to effectively represent Law Centre clients. Classes will include lectures, demonstrations, role plays, and critiques of role plays. Students will also meet representatives from numerous government and private agencies that provide help to Law Centre clients including: the Crown, the police, the probation office, the Native Courtworkes, the Ombudsman's Office, the Family Jusice Counsellors, Transition House, the Family Violence Project, and the Separation and Divorce Resource Centre. Click here to see a sample orientation schedule. Students should expect to set aside a portion of each evening to devote to the prescribed readings and preparation for the next days class.

At the end of the Orientation Period students are required to complete a take home exam. The exam usually takes about 12 hours to complete.

After the exam the class moves to the Law Centre. The Law Centre is located in the Victoria Courthouse at 850 Burdett Avenue. 

The first two weeks at the Law Centre are heavily structured. The Clinical Staff will meet with each student to thoroughly discuss each file each student has inherited. Students can expect to start with approximately 35 files. During the first two weeks students will begin preparing for court and administrative tribunal hearings. They will participate in many hours of training in order to be able to assist on "Rota," i.e., initial interviewing of prospective clients . Students will participate in seminars with the police, crown counsel, duty counsel, trial coordinators, diversion administrators and other players in the criminal justice system. A highlight of the first two weeks at the Law Centre is the "Breathalyser Party." Students will be introduced to research in the operation of the Data Master and the "Approved Screening Device" by a forensic scientist reknown for his work in the field of impaired driving. This knowledge will assist students in defending clients charged with drunk driving offences. During the Breathalyser Party students will have an opportunity to imbibe and have a sample of their breath analyzed. Then party on...

During the remainder of the term students will work on client files, represent clients in court and before administrative tribunals, and assist on Rota. Students will attend William Head Institution (a minimum security prison) and Wilkinson Road Jail (a maximum security prison) to assist inmates with their legal problems. Students will also attend Mt. St. Mary's Hospital (an extended care facility) to deal with the legal concerns of persons residing in this institution.

During the term students will be closely supervised in their work by the Clinical Director, Glenn Gallins, The Assistant Clinical Director, Steve Perks, and the Clinical Instructor, Tybring Hemphill. All files being conducted by students will be reviewed during three formal file reviews. In addition all trials and other significant court appearances will be attended and supervised by one of the Clinical Staff. The Clinical staff maintain a complete "open door" policy and students can get advice and assistance at any time with regard to files they are conducting.

During the term students will also participate in a series of seminars dealing the file management, stress management, time management, and various administrative law issues. Each term a member of the local Provincial Court Bench meets with students to discuss concerns of the Bench, talk about effective advocacy and respond to student questions.

Every Friday afternoon students attend a planning and case commentary meeting. During this meeting we ensure that all cases coming up in the next several weeks have co-counsel appointed and a Clinical supervisor assigned to attend court with the student responsible for conducting the case. In addition students discuss the legal, ethical, policy and procedural issues which arose in the cases they dealt with during the week. While structured, the Friday afternoon meeting is conducted in an informal, "happy hour" atmosphere.

At the end of the term students are required to prepare and orally deliver a research paper.

Meet the faculty and staff

Glenn GallinsProfessor Glenn Gallins, , B.A. (Wisconsin) 1967, M.S. (Wisconsin) 1968, LL.B. (British Columbia) 1972, LL.M. (London) 1983, was called to the Bar of British Columbia in 1974. Professor Gallins is Director of the Law Centre Clinical Law Program. He was a member of the Faculty from 1980 to 1984, and rejoined the Faculty in 1992. In 2007 he was the winner of the 番茄社区 Alumni Award for Excellence in Teaching. He has received the Law Faculty's Master Teacher Award several times and has also been awarded the Law Faculty's Service Award. He has also been the recipient of the 番茄社区 Community Leadership Award which acknowledged his exemplary leadership in linking the 番茄社区 and the community for the greater public benefit, and the Victoria Bar Association's Pamela Murray Award which recognized his high professional standards and substantial contributions to the well being of the local bar. In 2013 Professor Gallins was awarded the  for his distinguished contributions to the legal profession and residents of British Columbia. The Goyer award is the highest honour that that can be bestowed by the BCCBA.

Professor Gallins' teaching and research interests focus on clinical legal education, lawyering skills, and the application of social science research techniques to develop strategies and techniques to improve the delivery of legal services.

In the past Professor Gallins has served as a municipal solicitor, Director of Legal Information Services for the Ministry of the Attorney-General, and as Executive Director of the Law Centre.

Professor Gallins has been very active in community affairs, and has sat on the boards of numerous volunteer agencies. He is a Past Commander of the Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons and former member of the Capital Health Board and Beacon Community Association Board. Professor Gallins is married. He has four children, all of whom have pursued careers as physicians.

As Clinical Director, Professor Gallins is responsible for the educational content of the Clinical Program. He personally conducts most of the classes held during the Orientation Period. He is also responsible for all aspects of the administration of the Clinical Program.

Steve PerksSteve Perks, B.A. (UVic ) 1981, LL.B. (UVic) 1987, is the Assistant Clinical Director, and one of the lawyers in the clinic to whom students may look for assistance in the conduct of their files.  With The Law Centre since 1994, Steve is an experienced clinical law instructor.   His areas of practice include human rights, administrative law, civil litigation, criminal, and family law.  In addition to his work at The Law Centre he has taught the Administrative Law, Civil Procedure, and Social Welfare Law courses within the faculty.  He also co-coaches UVic Law’s mooting teams entered in the Canadian Client Consultation Competition.

Prior to joining The Law Centre, Steve was in private practice in Victoria in the above mentioned areas of practice.  He also served as Crown Counsel in Courtenay, B.C. for a two year period.  Prior to law, Steve was a graduate of the Environmental Studies Program at UVic, and went on to become a Planning Co-ordinator with the B.C. Ministry of Forests.  Steve was a seasonal park interpreter in Banff and Jasper National Parks.  He was also a tennis teaching professional.  In his fields of interest, Steve has tended to gravitate to teaching roles.

Throughout his career Steve has maintained a level of voluntary community involvement, that has included: Victoria Bar Association (board member), Association for Canadian Clinical Legal Education (board member), UVic Educational Equity Advisory Committee (Professional Employees Association representative), Together Against Poverty Society (board member), Victoria Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (board member), Bays United Youth Soccer Association (board member), Oak Bay Tennis Club (president), and South Island Tennis Association (president).

Tybring HemphillTybring Hemphill is a Clinical Instructor in the Law Centre Student Clinic Program. He obtained his BSc in Psychology and Linguistics from the University of Toronto in 1987. After a few years of real work he again sought refuge and solace in learning, choosing to attend the Law School at UVIC. He graduated in 1992 and was called to the Bar of B.C. the subsequent year. He has practiced, and continues to practice when not working at the Clinic, at the firm of McKimm & Lott in Sidney primarily in the area of Criminal Defence. Tybring joined the faculty in July 2000. He assists students with the preparation of trials, hearings and other matters, regularly attends Court with the students and is happily almost always able to give positive feedback.

Judy JonesJudy Jones is the Program Administrator for the Law Centre Clinical Program. She provides administrative and computer training for students and secretarial support to the Director, Assistant Director and Clinical Instructor.   Judy has worked in an administrative and secretarial capacity for her entire working career.  Her previous experience with the public and most recently, Legal Services Society, enables her to provide knowledgeable and professional assistance to fellow staff members and clients.

Susan NoakesSusan Noakes is the staff social worker with the Law Centre. She graduated from the 番茄社区 in 1985 with her BA (Hons.) in Sociology and later returned to UVIC to complete her BSW (1990) and MSW (2002). She has been a registered social worker with the Board of Registration of Social Workers in BC since 2004. Susan has had many roles with the Law Centre: social work student (1990); board member, paralegal and now staff social worker. Her thesis Answering the call: the processes of developing the social work identity examined the development of the social work identity - an idea that was inspired from first working at The Law Centre.

Her professional background includes 3 years as a child protection worker in the British Columbia Interior, 4 years as a legal advocate with the Together Against Poverty Society and 8 years with Community Living Services/Community Living BC as a guardianship social worker. Her community work involves 14 years as an active board member of the Together Against Poverty Society. Her role is to provide social work services to clients through The Law Centre as well as to educate law students about working in an interdisciplinary setting.

Course description

COURSE NAME: Law 350A The Law Centre Clinical Law Program


Pre-requisites: Evidence

UNIT VALUE: 7.5 units


Students are required to attend this program "full-time"; minimum attendance being 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Additional time will be required for trial preparation, the conduct of files, seminars, and public education programs.


Fall, Spring, Summer


Glenn Gallins


Course Objectives

The primary objective of The Law Centre clinical program is to further the educational goals of the faculty by providing the opportunity for students to learn by conducting files on behalf of clients, under close supervision in a model law office setting.

Participation in the program will give the student the opportunity for students reflection and critical examination of:

1. The role of a lawyer

2. The conflict between a lawyer's professional identity and personal morality;

3. The values implicit in the current substantive law;

4. The relationship between law and justice;

5. The role and utility of the Courts;

6. The impact of the law on creating and resolving clients problems; and

7. The need for law reform.

The experience will give the student the opportunity to develop practical and applied skills and a solid grounding in many substantive areas of law. Under the rubric of lawyering skills the following subjects are now being formally taught at The Law Centre;

1. Interviewing

2. Counselling

3. Fact Investigation

4. Negotiation

5. Drafting - including:

(a) Correspondence;

(b) Opinions;

(c) Court documents;

(d) Agreements; and

(e) Wills

6. Advocacy in Criminal Court - including:

(a) An overview of the preparation for criminal trials;

(b) Dealing with clients in custody

(c) First Appearances;

(d) Examination-in-chief

(e) Cross-examination;

(f) Voir dires;

(g) Objecting to evidence;

(h) Submissions;

(i) Speaking to sentence; and

(j) Defending persons charged with drinking-driving offences.

7. Family Law - including:

(a) Initial interviewing of clients with family problems

(b) Problem identification and referral to appropriate resources

(c) Counselling;

(d) Adoptions including preparation of pleadings, Affidavits, appearing in Chambers and drawing Orders; and

(e) Divorces through The Law Centre Assisted Divorce Program including drafting a Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim, Affidavit of Service and documents to obtain an Order.

8. Advocacy in Small Claims Court including:

(a) An overview of Small Claims procedures;

(b) Drafting pleadings;

(c) Preparing for and making Small Claims Chambers applications;

(d) Preparing for and appearing at Settlement Conferences;

(e) Examination-in-chief;

(f) Cross-examination;

(g) Submissions after trial;

(h) Preparation of Orders;

(i) Collection procedures; and

(j) Preparation of Small Claims appeals.

9. Chambers Practice

10. Advocacy before various administrative appeal bodies - including:

(a) Residential Tenancy Arbitrators;

(b) BC Benefits (Welfare) Tribunals;

(c) E.I., Board of Referees and Umpires;

(d) Workers' Compensation Review Boards;

(e) Criminal Injuries Compensation Review Boards

(f) Canada Pension Plan Review Tribunals; and

(g) Mental Health Review Panels

11. Procedures for the Resolution of Ethical Dilemmas

12: The use of referral agencies

13. An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Resolution of Legal Problems

N.B. Every student may not have the opportunity to directly participate in each of the above areas. However, the program offers a broad exposure to a variety of legal problems. The opportunity to be involved varies according to the problems presented by clients and the limitations imposed by the Rules of The Law Society and the Regulations of the Legal Services Society.

The following subjects are dealt with at The Law Centre under the rubric of Law Office Management and Procedure:

1. Liability of Lawyers.

2. Time Management.

3. Practice Management

4. The use of office equipment.

5. The application of computers to the practice of law.

6. Stress management

7. Self-evaluation.

In addition, an ability to speak in public is fostered through the requirement that students deliver or participate in a number of public legal education programs.

In order to meet the objectives of the course, students are required to perform certain tasks which are listed on the "List of Required Experiences" which is distributed to students at the beginning of the term.


The term begins with a three week orientation period during which students are expected to gain a knowledge of the lawyering skills which will be used during the rest of the term.

The manner of instruction during the orientation generally follows the following plan:

1. Students are provided with relevant materials to read prior to a seminar session.

2. A brief lecture may be given or an example of the skill to be developed is demonstrated using a video taped example.

3. Students are provided with problems to be role played.

4. Students are video taped performing role plays.

5. Students are guided in a class critique of the role play.

During the term there are three seminar sessions per week. Sessions on Tuesday and Thursday deal with social welfare legislation, and practice management. Friday afternoon seminars are devoted to planning sessions and continuing case commentaries.

In addition to the formal teaching sessions, students will be critiqued in the performance of various skills.


Assessment and Evaluation

Grades: Students may receive either a pass or fail grade for this course.

Form of Evaluation:

In addition to receiving a pass or fail grade for the course, students will participate in a major self-evaluation of their performance at The Law Centre. This evaluation will be reviewed by the instructor.

The evaluation of a student's performance at The Law Centre is considered under a number of categories:

1. Students will be required to pass an examination at the conclusion of the orientation period.

2. Practice Management: Students are required to:

(a) Perform all of the work required on the List of Required Experiences;

(b) Attend all classes and seminars;

(c) Conduct a number of public legal education programs;

(d) Prepare a research paper;

(e) Present a series of case commentaries;

(f) Meet at regular intervals with their principal;

(g) Attend at all Court appearances as required for the proper conduct of the files under their control;

(h) Maintain an efficient and reliable diary system for all files under their control;

(i) Attend when required by the "ROTA" to interview clients at The Law Centre; and

(j) Submit their research papers and present their case commentaries at a time set by the instructor.


3. Lawyering Skills: Students are required to:

(a) Demonstrate that they have understood and have been able to apply in appropriate circumstances the skills which have been presented during the orientation sessions and weekly seminars.

(b) Demonstrate that they are able to identify and understand the law relating to their clients's cases.

In addition, students will meet at regular intervals with the instructor or assistant instructor to review all the student's files. Finally, the student's principal will be asked to provide comments about the student's performance.

In the event that a student's performance is not satisfactory to receive a pass grade, the student will receive a written notification during the term of the areas in which an improved performance is required.

4. Research Paper: In order to obtain a passing grade, a student must submit a research paper which must:

(a) Be their own work;

(b) Demonstrate that the student fully researched the paper; and

(c) Be well organized and written with clarity.

5. Case Commentary: In order to obtain a passing grade, a student must present at least one case commentary which demonstrates that the student:

(a) Understands the factual issues in the case;

(b) Understands the legal issues;

(c) Has considered social, moral or ethical aspects of the case;

(d) Has considered all aspects of professional responsibility and liability; and

(e) Has considered all reasonable solutions from an interdisciplinary viewpoint.


Students will conduct files on behalf of clients which concern:

(a) Summary conviction offences under the Criminal Code of Canada and Provincial Legislation, as well as under the Controlled Substances Act and other Federal Legislation;

(b) Small Claims Court actions;

(c) Landlord/Tenant disputes;

(d) Proceedings arising from the applications or refusals of BC Benefits (Welfare), Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan benefits, Workers' Compensation and Criminal Injures Compensation;

(e) The preparation of Wills and specific other problems relating to the aged;

(f) Immigration matters; and

(g) Divorce and other family matters.

(The above list is not meant to be exhaustive.)

It is anticipated that students will handle between 45 and 60 active files at any one time.

In addition to conducting files on behalf of clients, students will be required to assist in the presentation of several public legal education programs including:

(a) Small Claims Court orientation and Defending a Traffic Ticket; and

(b) Acting as a Master of Ceremonies for evening Public Legal Education Programs for the public.

Students may be required to participate in other public legal education activities in addition to those listed above.

The program set out above may vary from term to term depending upon student enrollment, the level and type of service requested by Law Centre clientele and the academic requirements of the faculty.

N.B. For the purposes of this program ,students will be enrolled in temporary articles with a member of the Victoria bar. Any student foreseeing difficulties with such enrollment should discuss the difficulty with the clinic director (Prof. Glenn Gallins) as soon as they are offered a position in the program.

Temporary Withdrawal of Students Enrolled in The

Law Centre Clinical Program Pending Report

Where, during the course of a term, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the conduct or lack of competence of a law student enrolled in The Law Centre Clinical Program has adversely affected or may adversely affect,

(i) clients of The Law Centre

(ii) personnel of The Law Centre, including students associated with The Law Centre

(iii) The Law Centre's relationship with the judiciary or members of the practising bar,

the Director may restrict the activities of the student as he or she deems advisable, and the Dean may require a student to withdraw temporarily from The Law Centre Clinical Program pending the receipt of a report on the conduct and lack of competence of the student.

Faculty May Require Student to Withdraw from The Law Centre

After giving the student the opportunity to be heard, the Faculty may re-instate a student who has been obliged to withdraw temporarily from the Program. The Faculty may also require such a student to withdraw permanently from Program if the Faculty is satisfied that the student's conduct or lack of competence may adversely effect member so any of the groups identified above.

Grade of N in The Law Centre Clinical Program

Where the Faculty requires a student to withdraw from The Law Centre Clinical Program, a grade o N shall be entered on the student's academic record and transcript.

Concurrent LL.B./M.P.A. Degrees

Students enrolled in the concurrent LL.B./M.P.A. program will be subject to the above Law Faculty regulations mutatis mutandis in regard to their LL.B. course requirements. Grade point averages for the purposes of these regulations or for the purposes of awarding Law Faculty prizes and scholarships will be calculated only on their LL.B course requirements.

A typical orientation schedule

The Clinical Term begins by introducing students to the skills and knowledge that they will need to work on client files during the rest of the term. Here is a typical orientation schedule:

Summer 201-

Monday, 4 May 201-

Preparation for Class Tomorrow:

Readings: "Lawyer's Lumps"

"A Lawyer's Liability For Negligence - Care is Not Enough"

"Solicitors' Liability to Their Own Clients - What Next?"

Review: Your Evidence Notes

Evidentiary problems contained in the memorandum enclosed with this orientation schedule called "The Law of Evidence - Are you Ready?"

Tuesday, 5 May 201-

Moot Courtroom

9:00 - 10:30 Description of Law 350A

Description of Law Centre programs and services

10-30 - 10:45 Coffee Break

10:45 - 11:15 Liability of Lawyers

11:15 - 12:30 The Role of Defence Counsel in Criminal Matters

12:30 - 1:30 LUNCH

1:30 - 3:30 Overview of preparation for a Criminal trial

3:30 - 3:45 Coffee Break

3:45 - 5:30 First Appearance Procedure

Readings: Canons of Legal Ethics

Excerpts from Law Society Handbook

Fact Investigation Memo

Wednesday, 6 May 201-

Moot Courtroom

9:00 - 9:30 Preparation of Materials for Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination Seminars

9:30 - 10:45 The Resolution of Ethical Problems

10:45 - 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:00 The Professional Conduct Handbook

12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH

1:00 - 2:15 Building the Firm's Resources

2:15 - 3:15 Cross-Examination I

3:15 - 3:30 Coffee Break

3:30 - 5:30 Speaking to Sentence I

Readings: Sentencing Materials

Legal Etiquette

Thursday, 7 May 201-

Courtroom 101 Courthouse

9:00 - 4:30 Observation of Speak to's in Courtroom 101,

Observation of JP Court in Courtroom 102

Observation of Trials in Courtroom 102, 202, 203

Take notes of your court observations

Preparation: Prepare a "Speak-to"

Hy-Speed Longhand - Lessons One, Two & Three

Friday, 8 May 201-

Moot Courtroom

9:00 - 9:30 Debrief Court Observations

9:30 - 10:00 Voice Warm-up Exercises

10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:00 Speaking to Sentence II

12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH

1:00 - 3:00 Speaking to Sentence III

3:00 - 3:15 Coffee Break

3:15 - 3:45: Speaking to Sentence IV

3:45 - 5:15 Fact Investigation

Readings: Objecting to Evidence Memo

Cross-Examination Materials

Preparation: Hy-Speed Longhand - Lesson Four

Monday, 11 May 201-

Court Observations: Observe Trials

The Courthouse Take notes of your court observations

Reading Opportunity: Examination-in-Chief Materials,

Cross-Examination Materials

Overview of a Trial Memorandum

Tuesday, 12 May 201-

Moot Courtroom

9:00 - 9:10 The Desk Lottery

9:10 - 10:30 Objecting to Evidence I

10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:00 Objecting to Evidence II

12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH

1:00 - 3:00 Cross-Examination II

3:00 - 3:15 Coffee Break

3:15 - 4:00 Cross-Examination III

4:00 - 5:00 Trial Procedures

Readings: Cross-Examination Materials

Preparation: Hy-Speed Longhand - Lesson Five

Wednesday, 13 May 201-

Moot Courtroom

9:00 - 9:30 Preparing a Submission

9:30 - 9:40 The Trial Buddy System

Group A

9:30 - 10:15 Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination

(Exercise I)

10:15 - 10:30 Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:00 Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination

(Exercise I continued)

12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH

1:00 - 3:30 Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination

(Exercise I continued)

3:30 - 3:45 Coffee Break

3:45 - 5:45 Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination

(Exercise I continued)

Group B

Preparation: Prepare a Submission

Prepare for the Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination Exercise

Thursday, 14 May 201-

Moot Courtroom

Group B

9:00 - 10:30 Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination

(Exercise I)

10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:00 Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination

(Exercise I continued)

12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH

1:00 - 3:30 Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination

(Exercise I continued)

3:30 - 3:45 Coffee Break

3:45 - 5:45 Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination

(Exercise I continued)

Group A

Prepare a Submission

Friday, 15 May 201-

Moot Courtroom

9:00 - 10:45 Submissions I

10:45 - 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:00 Submissions II

12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH

1:00 - 3:00 Submissions III

3:00 - 3:15 Coffee Break

3:15 - 4:00 Submissions IV

4:00-5:00 Cross-Examination IV

Readings: Divorce Act and Rule 60B

Preparation: Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination

(Exercise II)

Monday, 18 May 201-


Tuesday, 19 May 201-

Moot Courtroom

9:00 - 12:00 Corrections Law I

11:00 - 1:00 LUNCH (Plus travel to William Head Prison)

1:00 - 3:00 Tour of William Head Prison

3:15-4:30 Observe Court at the Colwood Courthouse

Wednesday, 20 May 201-

Moot Courtroom

9:00 - 11:00 Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination

(Exercise II)

11:00 - 11:15 Coffee Break

11:15 - 12:30 Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination

(Exercise II continued)

12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH

1:00 - 3:00 Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination

(Exercise II continued)

3:00 - 3:30 Dean's "Welcome to The Law Centre"

(Tea and Muffins in the Faculty Lounge)

3:30 - 5:00 Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination

(Exercise II continued)

Readings: Wills Materials

Thursday, 21 May 201-

Moot Courtroom

9:00 - 10:30 Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination

(Exercise II continued)

10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:00 Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination

(Exercise II continued)

12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH

1:00 - 3:00 Examination-in-Chief and Cross-Examination

(Exercise II continued)

3:00 - 3:15 Coffee Break

3:15 - 4:15 Common Problems - Divorce I

4:15 - 5:00 Referral Agency I - Separation and Divorce Resource Centre

Readings: Interviewing Materials

Preparation: Hy-Speed Longhand - Lesson Six & Seven

Friday, 22 May 201-

Moot Courtroom

9:00 - 10:30 Common Problems - Divorce II

10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:00 Family Law Issues

12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH

1:00 - 2:00 Interviewing I

2:00 - 3:15 Interviewing II/Counselling

3:15 - 3:30 Coffee Break

3:30 - 4:30 Referral Agency II - Transition House

Readings: Complete Interviewing and Wills materials

Counselling Article

Monday, 25 May 201-

Moot Courtroom

9:00 - 10:15 Corrections Law II

10:15 - 10:30 Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:00 Corrections Law II (Continued)

12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH

1:00 - 2:45 B.C. Benefit Legislation and Advocacy before B.C. Benefit Tribunals

2:45-3:00 Coffee Break

3:00 - 4:00 Conducting Variation of Maintenance Applications in Family Court

4:00-4:30 "Time to Change"

4:30-5:00 Referral Agency III - Family Violence Project

Readings: Negotiation Materials

Tuesday, 26 May 201-

Moot Courtroom

9:00 - 10:15 Wills I

10:15 - 10:30 Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:00 Voir Dire

12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH

1:00 - 2:00 T.B.A.

2:00 - 3:15 Common Problems - Wills II

3:15 - 3:30 Coffee Break

3:30 - Negotiation I

Wednesday , 27 May 201-

Wilkinson Road Jail

9:30 - 12:00 Tour of VIRCC

12:00 - 1:30 Lunch (and Return to UVic)

1:30 - 3:30 The Residential Tenancy Act and the Conduct of

Residential Tenancy Arbitrations

3:30-5:00 T.B.A.

Readings: Chambers Memorandum

Preparation: Chambers Application

Negotiation Exercise

Thursday, 28 May 201-

Moot Courtroom

9:00 - 10:30 Negotiation II

10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:00 Defending Clients Charged with Impaired Driving

12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH

1:00 - 2:00 Negotiation III

2:00 - 3:00 Drafting Correspondence, Opinions, Court Documents

3:00 - 3:15 Coffee Break

3:15 - 5:00 Chambers Practice

Readings: Small Claims Fact sheet: 1,2,7,10,11,14, and 15

Friday, 29 May 201-

Moot Courtroom

9:00 - 10:30 Negotiation III

10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:00 Negotiation IV

12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH

1:00 - 2:15 Small Claims Procedure

2:15 - 5:00 Something Completely Different

5:00 Distribution of Take Home Examination

(An open book take home examination)

Due: Monday, 2 June at 9:00 a.m.

at The Law Centre

Monday, 1 June 201-

Work on Examination

Tuesday, 2 June 201-

Law Centre

9:00 - 12:00 Submit Examinations

Introduction to Law Centre Staff

Law Centre Office Procedures

12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH

1:00 - 1:30 File Management

!:30 - 2:30 Loss Prevention

2:30 - 3:00 Computer Applications: Law Centre Information System; Information Retrieval (The GLENN); Word Processing; Internet Access; The Sentencing Data Base

3:00 - 6:00Begin Reading Files

Wednesday, 3 June 201-

9:00 - 3:00 Schedule Listed Below

9:00 Court Observations:

Remand Court and JP Court

Small Claims Court

Criminal Trial Court

Traffic Court

Highest Priority File Reviews with individual students

Work on files

Telephone clients with early trial dates and make


11:30 Crown Counsel Placement

Student names TBA

Crown Counsel Office

4:00 - 5:00 Criminal Practice Tutorial: A Meeting with Crown Counsel

Thursday, 4 June 201-

9:00 - 3:00 Schedule Listed Below

9:00 Court Observations:

Remand Court and JP Court

Small Claims Court

Criminal Trial Court

Traffic Court

Complete File Reviews with individual students

Work on files

Telephone clients with early trial dates and make


11:30 Crown Counsel Placement

Student names TBA

Crown Counsel Office

4:00 - 5:00 Criminal Practice Tutorial II: Dealing with the Police

Friday, 5 June 201-

9:00 - 3:00 Schedule Listed Below

9:00 Court Observations:

Remand Court and JP Court

Small Claims Court

Criminal Trial Court

Traffic Court

Complete File Reviews with individual students

Work on files

Telephone clients with early trial dates and make


11:30 Crown Counsel Placement

Student names TBA

Crown Counsel Office

4:00 - 5:30 Criminal Practice Tutorial III: Role of Duty Counsel, Native Court Worker, Diversion (The John Howard Society)

Monday, 8 June 201-

8:45 - 10:00 Seminar: Intake Procedures

10:00 - 11:00 Seminar: Preparing Divorce Documents that will not be rejected by the Court Registry

12:00 Complete File Reviews with individual students

File work

Trial Preparation

Court Observations

3:00 - 4:30 Planning Meeting

4:30 - 5:30 Seminar: Dealing with the Court and the Crown: the views of former students

Tuesday, 9 June 201-

9:00 - 4:00 File work

Trial Preparation

Court Observations

10:45 - 11:00 Students on Rota Meet with Co-Interviewers (bring lunch)

11:00- Begin First Intake Interviews

4:00 - 5:30 Seminar: Referral Agency: The Dispute Resolution Centre

Wednesday, 10 June 201-

9:00 - 10-00 Seminar: The Law of Search and Seizure; and Defending Possession of Narcotic Charges

10:00 - 4:00 File work

Trial Preparation

Court Observations

4:00 - 5:30 Seminar: Referral Agency: The Debtor Assistance branch

Thursday, 11 June 201-

9:00 - 4:00 File work

Trial Preparation

Court Observations

4:00 - 5:30 Seminar: Referral Agency: The Ombudsman.

Friday, 12 June 201-

9:45 - 3:00 File work

Trial Preparation

Court Observations

3:00 - 6:00 Planning Meeting

Monday, 15 June 201-

9:00 - 10:45 Begin Court Appearances

Wednesday, 17 June 201-

3:45 - 4:30 Review Intake Procedures

Friday, 19 June 201-

3:00 - 5:30 Planning Meeting

5:30-7:00+ Seminar: The use and operation of the ASD and Datamaster

(The Breathalyzer Party)

"Virtual" tour

The Term Begins

Fraser Building, 番茄社区 Faculty of LawThe first month of the term (which is called the Orientation Period) is spent at the Law School. During this time students develop the skills and knowledge they will need to effectively work on client problems at The Law Centre. Click here to view a typical .

The Moot Courtroom is the Clinical Program's home during the first month of the term.

Prof. Gallins dons a mask to make a serious point about interviewing -- while entertaining the class during Orientation.

A considerable portion of the Orientation Period is Period is devoted to developing advocacy skills.

Student developing advocacy skills  

Stuent making a submission

Here a student is making a submission after a voir dire.

Students watching the video of a student's work in the courtroom just prior to a critique.

Students watching a video

Then on to The Law Centre

Law Centre Exterior  

After the Orientation Period the class moves to our offices in The Law Centre. The Law Centre is located on the Quadra Street side of the Victoria Courthouse -- Suite 225 - 850 Burdett Avenue.

More than 1,800 people pass through this door to The Law Centre annually seeking legal advice and representation.

Judy, our smiling Clinic Administrator, will greet you and our clients when you come to The Law Centre.

A typical interview room where you will meet with clients.


The student work area is arranged so that you can work independently or with the support of your colleagues.

student work station

There are 17 student work stations. 

Open Door PolicyThe faculty and staff maintain a complete open door policy so students can get continuous advice and assistance in the conduct of their files.

Planning sessionThe Thursday afternoon planning and case commentary meeting--where we discuss cases conducted by students during the preceding week and ensure that our commitments for future trials, hearings, intake and outreach services are all going to be met.

The Wall of Fame, where the more than 1500 students who have participated in The Law Centre Clinical Program since 1977 have their names recorded.

The "ASD Party"--a party with the serious purpose of learning how the police conduct an investigation with respect to a drinking driving offense. Here a student blows into the ASD. 

Victoria Court House

The Victoria Courthouse-- where students enrolled in the Law Centre represent clients in Provincial Court dealing with criminal, small claims and family matters. Students also appear here to make applications in Supreme Court Chambers.

Wilkinson Road JailVancouver Island Regional Correctional Centre (Wilkinson Road Jail)--a maximum security prison where Law Centre students provide advice and assistance to inmates.

William Head Institution, a minimum security Federal Correctional Facility, located 25 kilometres southwest of Victoria, where The Law Centre has operated a legal clinic for over 35 years.

There is a lot more than just work and learning going on at The Law Centre. Staff and students celebrate whenever we can. Here the  Estella and Alix, celebrate Ben's birthday!

What former students say

The Law Centre was the best experience of law school. I learned more in four months at The Law Centre than the rest of law school combined. It was such a wonderful learning opportunity. I ran a criminal trial, helped tenants avoid eviction at RTB hearings, drafted wills, filed divorces, attended payment hearings, negotiated with Crown Counsel and so much more! I highly recommend it to all law students. I now feel much more equipped to start articling next year.

 - Erika D

I will genuinely miss working here. It is a unique opportunity to learn from many different styles of research, and a safe environment to experience real advocacy. The staff are great people, and the office dog warms up to you eventually.

 - Josh N, previous Law Centre Articling Student

The hands-on experience I gained from The Law Centre was one of the best parts of law school. I learned to prepare for trials, draft pleadings and gained valuable interview skills. The experience was stressful at times but working with my fellow students was a lot of fun. I also feel a lot more confident being in the court room! The Law Centre is also a great way to discover your areas of interest that you want to practice in.

 - Hailee C

If you are even remotely interested in practicing law then you should ballot for the Law Centre. Even though I did three law co-op terms in public and private practice, the Law Centre was a unique opportunity because I actually was able to run my own files, instead of simply providing legal research support to other lawyers. I learned invaluable skills in client relations, trial prep, and managing my time effectively in a supportive, collaborative, and fun work environment. I also felt great satisfaction because I saw how the Law Centre's work makes a real difference in terms of access to justice for vulnerable populations. It was an amazing summer!

 - Shawn S

Stop debating and just sign up for the Law Centre. Go out of your way to make it work in your schedule. It will be the most fun and beneficial semester you will have at law school.

 - Sean S.