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Konan University

Location: Kobe, Japan
Language of Instruction: English and Japanese
GPA Requirement: 3.0/4.0 cumulative GPA
Fall semester (September – December) // Spring* semester (January – May)
*language requirement of CEFR A1 level Japanese for spring term students


Cherry blossoms at Konan University
  • Konan University, serving 10,000 students, is located in a trendy neighborhood of Kobe, a port city home to over 1.5 million people.
  • Kobe is sometimes referred to as “Japan’s San Francisco” due to its coastal hills and ocean vistas, as well as its unique and fashionable atmosphere. It is close to Osaka, the economic capital of the Kansai region, and Kyoto, the center of Japanese culture and tradition.
  • Exchange students are able to explore life in Japan through a well-balanced structure of academic and cultural experiential opportunities.


  • Konan's  provides accessibility supports, however, these supports are typically for Japanese students.
  • Exchange students will need to consult with the Konan International exchange Center (KIEC), who will consult with the Student Counseling Center and YOU station to determine the best avenue for supports.

Study Options

YiJ Program

UVic exchange students participate in a unique program at Konan called the Year in Japan (YiJ) program. This is perfect for students who have a strong interest in Japanese culture and are eager to study Japanese language intensively. Students can participate in the program for one term or for the full year. 

The YiJ program consists of:

  1. Japanese language courses (180 hrs)
  2. Japan Studies courses (75 hrs), such as:
    • Society in Japan
    • Japanese Business and Management
    • a Survey of Japanese History
    • Modern Japanese Novels in translation
  • Courses include occasional field trips to enhance classroom instruction and deepen the understanding of the course subject.
  • Normal course load exchange students consists of one Japanese language course (14 hours per week, 10 credits), plus two Japan Studies courses (3 hours per week each, 3 credits each) per semester.

Language Requirements

Fall semester or full year exchange students: prior completion of Japanese language courses is not required at the time of application. However, to ensure success in the program, students should complete an introductory level Japanese course at UVic before they arrive in Japan. 

Spring semester exchange students: required to have completed beginner level Japanese study (CEFR A1 level) and be ready for pre intermediate level courses (equivalent to JLPT level of N4 or above). 

Exchange Credit History

See the exchange credit history listing of courses that have been previously evaluated from Konan University. Note that this is a guide only, and not a guarantee that your courses would be evaluated in the same way.


  • On-campus housing: Unavailable
  • Off-campus housing: Available
    • Homestay: participants in the YiJ program may register for homestay with a Japanese host family. A homestay is an excellent way for exchange students to significantly improve their Japanese language skills and gain a much deeper understanding of Japanese culture. 
    • Dormitory: privately run facility which provides internet, room cleaning, utilities, laundry access, and meals (breakfast and dinner)

Fees, Visas & Health Insurance


  • Extra fees: 456,000-717,000 JPY/term
    • Includes homestay/dormitory fees
    • Payable at the beginning of the exchange term

Konan Scholarship

  • UVic student are eligble for Konan's YiJ scholarship of 80,000 JPY/month. More details available upon acceptance. 

Visa Requirement

  • Students must obtain a student visa in order to participate in the YiJ program. A Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) is required to apply for a visa at the Japanese Embassy or consulate in your country. Konan International Exchange Center (KIEC) will apply for your CoE on your behalf, and send it to UVic when issued.

Health Insurance

  • All international students staying in Japan for more than 3 months are required to enroll in Japan’s National Health Insurance plan. This insurance covers 70% of medical costs at clinics and hospitals. The plan costs approximately18,000 JPY per year.

How to apply

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