
PhD program

CSPT program requirements

In general, CSPT students must meet the core graduating requirements of their own department, as well as specific requirements of the CSPT program:

(a) 1.5 units of

(b) 1.5 units of either or

Note: With permission of the CSPT director, credit may be granted for a graduate theory seminar taught by a CSPT faculty member in a department different from the student's own.

(c) Completion of a candidacy exam set by the CSPT program as one of the comprehensive exams.

(d) Written dissertation that meets the requirements of both the home department and CSPT program with the topic in the field of CSPT.

Composition of Supervisory Committee
CSPT students are required to have a CSPT Faculty as (Co-)Supervisor and at least two CSPT Faculty in their Supervisory Committee. At least one CSPT Faculty in the student’s Supervisory Committee must be from outside the student’s home department.

Note: The topic of the student’s thesis must be within the field of cultural, social, and political thought.

CSPT Candidacy Exam

Please contact soscassist@uvic.ca for infomation. 

The New Candidacy Exam (2015)

The new CSPT Doctoral Candidacy Exam Procedures captures the process which applies to all CSPT PhD students who enter the Program in September 2015.   The students are encouraged to study the CSPT Doctoral Candidacy Exam Procedures document the Exam Reading List and the List of Problematiques.  

The Candidacy Exam (pre-2015)

The PhD students in CSPT Program who are pre-2015 entry have the option of choosing the old (2013) Candidacy Exam Procedure or the new (2015) one. Students are encouraged to study the as well as the .  

Individual department requirements


PhD students with the CSPT option must complete 31.5 units of graduate credit, including a 20-unit dissertation. Doctoral students choosing the CSPT option must meet the core requirements of Anthropology and of the CSPT program.

(a)   A CSPT PhD student must complete 7.5 units of course work including (1.5 units);
(b)  one of ANTH , , , (1.5 units);
(c)   one of ANTH , , (1.5 units);
(d)  Students must complete (1.5 units);
(e)  and 1.5 units of either or as their Breadth of Knowledge requirement;
(f)   Students in the CSPT program must also complete graduate colloquium;
(g)  In addition, one topic area in the ANTH candidacy exam process is replaced by the CSPT candidacy exam, which is set by the CSPT program.
(h)  Students must write a dissertation that meets the requirements of both the Department of Anthropology and the CSPT program. The topic must be within the field of CSPT. At least two members of the supervisory committee must be affiliated with the CSPT program.


At least one CSPT faculty member on the student's supervisory committee must be from outside the student's home department.


(a) 4.5 units of English graduate courses (a CSPT or cross-listed CSPT course may be substituted for 1.5 of these units).
(1.5 units).
ENSH 693, Candidacy Exam (the major field or focused field candidacy exam must be in the CSPT area, based on a reading list set by CSPT).
ENSH 699 (Dissertation), 18.0 units minimum, in the fields of CSPT and ENGL.

For more information please see the

Environmental Studies

(a) 3.0 units of and
(b) 3.0 units of
(c) 3.0 units of
(d) Successful completion of candidacy examinations with one of the two major papers in the field of CSPT.
(e) A dissertation worth 21 units on an approved topic within the field of cultural, social and political thought, under the direction of a supervisory committee including at least two participating CSPT faculty members.


The History Department does not have formal provisions for admitting students to the CSPT program at the PhD level.

Provisions may be made at a later date.

Political Science

(a) 1.5 units of .
(b) 3.0 units of additional Political Science graduate courses.
(c) 1.5 units of
“Professional Development Seminar.”
(d) Successful completion of candidacy exams in two of the department's field areas, one of which must be in the field of CSPT.
(e) 30.0 units of

For more information please see the 


(a) 7.5 units of course work, subject to the same requirements that apply to other sociology doctoral students.
doctoral students are required to take one section of , plus one section of /.
(c) In addition, students write, as one of their comprehensive exams, a
exam set by the CSPT program.
(d) 21.0 unit dissertation in the field of CSPT. The dissertation must meet the requirements of both the program and the Department of Sociology. The topic must be within the broad field of cultural, social and political thought.

Note: The supervisor must be a participating CSPT Faculty member who is also a member of the Sociology Department.

For more information please see the

Individual Interdisciplinary

To complete the CSPT program in the individual interdisciplinary program, a student must complete:
(b) At least 1.5 units of
(c) A candidacy examination within the field of cultural, social and political thought.
(d) At least 4.5 units of other courses at the doctoral level, approved by the CSPT program director and the interdisciplinary special arrangements admissions committee.
(e) A second candidacy examination in a field approved by the CSPT program director and the interdisciplinary special arrangements admissions committee.
(f) A dissertation worth 30 units on an approved topic within the field of cultural, social and political thought, under the direction of a supervisory committee including at least two participating CSPT faculty.

For more information please see the .