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Office of Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement (IACE)

Architect Alfred Waugh

Alfred Waugh, Chipweyan of the Fond du lac Band, was the Prime Consultant and Principal Architect for the project. Born and raised in Yellowknife, NWT, Waugh was first encouraged by his mother to make a positive contribution to Indigenous peoples.


Alfred Waugh

He is the first Indigenous person to graduate from the University of British Columbia's School of Architecture program and is also the first Indigenous architect to become LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified.

Waugh is the President and Founding Principal of , an award-winning full-service architecture firm dedicated to developing sustainable, creative and culturally sensitive design solutions. The firm, which employs both Indigenous and non-Indigenous architects, researched pre-European contact longhouses in the Coast and Straits Salish territories before coming up with the design for the First Peoples House.

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