
Selected publications

Martin Adam

"Buddhism, Equality, Rights." Journal of Buddhist Ethics (2013) Special 20th Anniversary edition Vol. 20: 421-443.

The Consequences of Consequentialism: Reflections on Recent Developments in the Study of Buddhist Ethics in Wading into the Stream of Wisdom: Essays Honoring Leslie Kawamura. Haynes, Sarah and Michelle Sorenson, eds. Berkeley: Institute of Buddhist Studies, 2013. 35-51.

Bhāvanākrāma (The Process of Meditation) by Ācārya Kamalaśīla Trans. by Martin Adam (Kathmandu: International Buddhist Academy, 2012). Text was used as a basis for a one month course at IBA taught by Khenpo Jamyang Tenzin.

"No Self, No Free Will, No Problem: Implications of the Anattalakkhana Sutta for a Perennial Philosophical Issue,” in Indian Buddhist Metaethics: Panel Proceedings from the Meeting of the IABS, Atlanta, 2008.  Ed. Martin T. Adam.  Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, special volume, 2010.

Michael Bodden

“Seeing the Global through the Local: Indonesian Fiction’s World Travels,” in Jan van der Putten, Monika Arnez, Edwin P. Wieringa, and Arndt Graf, ed., Traditions Redirecting Contemporary Indonesian Cultural Productions (Newcastle on Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2017): 177-199.

“Cosmopolitanism, Nation, and the Urban-Rural Split in the Novels of Ayu Utami,” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 172 .4 (2016): 1–28.

“Making Circles of Steel and Castles Of Vanity Possible: The Cold War In The Long Durée of "Modernity," Journal of Asian Studies 75.4 (November 2016): 1019-1029.

“Modern Theatre in maritime Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore,” in Siyuan Liu, ed., Routledge Handbook of Asian Theatre (London: Routledge, 2016): 370-390.

"Universal Rights and Separate Universes: Local/National Identities, Global Power, and the Modeling and Representing of Human Rights in Indonesian Performance Arts" in Susan J. Henders and Lily Cho, ed., Human Rights and the Arts: Perspectives on Global Asia (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2014): 221-239.

"Voice Upon Voice," (Co-Translation, with Saraswati Sunindyo, of a play by Lena Simanjuntak and Teater Perempuan Independen in Theodore W. Goossen and Anindo Hazra, ed., Human Rights and the Arts in Global Asia: An Anthology (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2014):171-212.

"Regional Identity and National Theatre in South Sulawesi," Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 44.1 (February 2013): 24-48.

"Woman At Lake's Edge," translation of a play by Lena Simanjuntak-Mertes in Lena Sminajuntak-Mertes, Opera Batak: Perempuan di Pinggir Danau/Woman at Lake's Edge/Frauen am Rande Des Sees/ Borua Nadi Duru Ni Tao (Yogyakarta: Kata Kita, 2013): 85-124.

Angie Chau

"From Nobel to Hugo: Reading Chinese Science Fiction as World Literature," Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 30, No. 1 (Spring, 2018): 110–135.

“‘An Archivist’s Fantasy Gone Mad’: The Age of Exhibition in Cao Fei’s Posthuman Trilogy,” Concentric 43, No. 2 (Sep., 2017): 221–247.

“Defining the Modern Wenren and the Role of the White Female Body in Modern Chinese Literature and Art,” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 29, No. 1 (Spring, 2017): 1–54.

“From Root-Searching to Grassroots: Returning to the Countryside in Contemporary Chinese Fiction and Independent Documentary Film” in Paul G. Pickowicz and Yingjin Zhang, eds., Filming the Everyday: Independent Documentaries in Twenty-First-Century China (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016): 53–67.

Richard Fox

(Cornell University Press, 2018)

(Brill, 2017)

 (Brill, 2010)

(Routledge, 2008)

, Heidelberg Ethnology. 5: 13-6. (2017).

, In King, R. (ed.) Religion, Theory, Critique: Classic and Contemporary Approaches and Methodologies. New York: Columbia University Press. Pages 335-47. 2017.

, Le Banian, pp.38-55. June 2017.

, Jurnal Kajian Bali. 2017. 7(1): 213-48.

Yasuko France

France, H. & France, Y. (1982) Two languages at Home, Parent Cooperative Preschools International Journal, 12(2), 15-28.

Timothy Iles

(Lanham: Lexington Books, 2012), co-edited with Peter Matanle.

(Leiden: Brill, 2008).

Sujin Lee

“Differing Conceptions of "Voluntary Motherhood": Yamakawa Kikue's Birth Strike and Ishimoto Shizue's Eugenic Feminism.” The U.S.-Japan Women’s Journal 52 (2018, February)

“Technologies of the Population Problem: The Neo-Malthusian Birth Control Movement in Interwar Japan.” The Annual Review of Cultural Studies 5 (2017)

“Book Review – Jika to Sensō: hakushū to minshū sōryokusen e no michi by Toshio Nakano.” Journal of Japanese History 38 (2014): 223-30. (in Korean)

Tsung-Cheng Lin

Tsung-Cheng Lin 林宗正 and Zhang Bowei 張伯偉. From Tradition to Modernity: Poetic Transition from 18th to Early 20th Century China 從傳統到現代的中國詩學. Shanghai Guji上海古籍, China, 2017.

Tsung-Cheng Lin 林宗正 and JiangYin 蔣寅. A Collection of Essays on Classical Chinese Literature in Honor of Professor Kawai Kozo川合康三教授榮休文集. Phoenix Publisher (Fenghuang chubanshe 鳳凰出版社), China, 2017.

“Knight-errantry: Tang Frontier Poems” (Chapter 11). In Professor Zong-Qi Cai, ed., Stories of Chinese Poetic Culture: Earliest Times through the Tang (New York: Columbia University Press, 2018), pp. 159-172. 

“Jin He (1818-1885) and the Transition of Female Knight-errantry in the Nineteenth Century China.” In Tsung-Cheng Lin and Bowei Zhang, ed., From Tradition to Modernity: Poetic Transition from 18th to Early 20th Century China從傳統到現代的中國詩學 (Shanghai: Guji上海古籍, China, 2017), pp. 132-150.

“The Tradition of Knight-errantry in Tang poems.” In Tsung-Cheng Lin and Jiang Yin, eds., A Collection of Essays on Classical Chinese Literature in Honor of Professor Kawai Kozo川合康三教授荣休文集. Phoenix Publishing House (Fenghuang chubanshe鳳凰出版社, China 2017), pp. 154-184.

Book Review on Jerry Schmidt, The Poet Zheng Zhen (1806–1864) and the Rise of Chinese Modernity, Leiden: Brill, 2013, The Journal of Asian Studies, Volume 74, Issue 04 (November 2015), pp 1016–1018.

“Narrative as a Concept in Poetry of the Tang.” 唐朝詩歌的敘事概念In《海外中國古典文學研究譯叢》. (Fothcomimg) 

“The Poetic Transition and Modernity in Chen Sanli’s (1852-1937) Ancient-Style Verse”. In Professor Zhiyi Yang (Department of Sinology, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main), ed., Frontiers of Literary Studies in China (Higher Education Press, 2018), 12.2, pp. 281-298.

“Narrative Tradition in Poetry of Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century China.” In Chinese Poetics (Zhongguo shixue 中國詩學), Vol. 22 (December 2016), pp. 71-86.

“Lady Avengers in Jin He’s (1818-1885) Narrative Verse of Female Knight-errantry.” Frontier of History in China, Vol. 8, No. 4 (December 2013), pp. 493-516.

Andrew M. Marton

A. M. Marton (2017) Mega-urbanization in China: Rural-urban synthesis as a foundation for sustainability. The global studies journal 10 (2), pp. 1-19 (with McGee, T. G.). PDF

Cities, towns and rural industrialization: Revisiting the Chinese development debate. Proceedings of the West East Institute – Humanities and social sciences 2014, 2014, pp.32-44.

China’s urban space: Development under market socialism. London and New York: Routledge, 2007. (with McGee, T.G., Lin, G.C.S., Wang, M.Y.L. & Wu, J.P.).

The cultural politics of curricular reform in China: A case study of geographical education in Shanghai. Journal of contemporary China, 15 (47), 2006, pp. 233-254.

China’s spatial economic development: Restless landscapes in the lower Yangzi delta. London and New York: Routledge, 2000.

Hiroko Noro

Voices of Kakehashi in Multicultural Canada: Transcultural and Intercultural Experiences. Edited by Noro, Hiroko; Suzuki, Tadanobu, 番茄社区, 2016.

“Tabunka Kanada no Kakehashi-tachi: Kanada ni okeru nihongo gakushusha no hensen” (Bridges-across in Multicultural Canada: Changes of Learners of Japanese Language in Canada), Ekkyo to Rendo no Nikkei Imin Kyoiku-shi(Educational History of Overseas Japanese: Transnationalism and Interconnection), edited by S. Inoue and S. Negawa, Tokyo: Minerva Shobo, 2015, pp. 99-115.

Intaakaruchuraru Kyoiku to shite no nihongo kyoiku ni okeru eizo media no yakuwari (The Role of Visual Media for Japanese Language Education as Intercultural Education), Ibunka Kyoiku (Intercultural Education), Vol. 38, 2013, pp. 60-72.

“Kanada no nihongo gakko: Nikkei kyoiku no hensen to shinka” (Japanese language schools in Canada: Transition and Evolution of Nikkei (people of Japanese descent) education),  in Toransunashonaruna “Nikkeijin” no kyoiku, gengo, bunka-kako kara mirai ni mukatte (Transnational “Nikkei” and their education, Language and Culture: Learning from the Past for a Better Future), edited by T. Morimoto and S. Negawa, Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 2012, pp. 37-52.

M. Cody Poulton

Editor, Citizens of Tokyo: Six Plays (Oriza Hirata, author). New York: Seagull Books, 2017: Refereed Article: “Utsukushii Nihongo no watakushi” (Japanese the beautiful and myself). Essay for Kotoba to moji (Words and letters). Vol. 7, Spring 2017, pp. 93-97.

“Made to Order: Japan.” For Performance Research 23 (2018), 100th anniversary issue.

"Flowers of Sentience, Roots of Consciousness: The Buddhahood of Plants in the No Theater.” Dharma World (July-December 2018).

“Antigone in Japan: Some Responses to 3.11 at Festival/Tokyo 2012.” In Barbara Geilhorn, Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt, eds. ‘. Routledge, 2016, pp. 127-143.

A translation of “At Yushima Shrine—A scene from the play A Woman’s Pedigree,” by Izumi Kyōka. In Sumie Jones, Charles Inouye, eds. . Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press, 2016, pp. 382-400.

“Contemporary Theatre.” Chapter for The Cambridge History of Japanese Theatre. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2016, pp. 326-348.

With Mitsuya Mori, J. Thomas Rimer, eds. The Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Drama. Columbia University Press, 2014.

A Beggar’s Art: Scripting Modernity in Japanese Drama, 1900-1930. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press, 2010.

Spirits of Another Sort: The Plays of Izumi Kyôka. Michigan Monographs in Japanese Studies 29. Ann Arbor, MI: Center for Japanese Studies, The University of Michigan, 2001.

Jun Tian

Nassaji, H. & Tian, J. Coproduction of language forms and its effects on L2 learning. In Benati, A. Laval, C. & Arche, M. J. (Eds.). The Grammar Dimension in Instructed Second Language Learning. London & New York: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2014.

Nassaji, H. & Tian, J. The role of language co-production in learning English vocabulary. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014, 143, 794-798. Open Access.

Tian, J. & Nassaji, H. Verbal Interaction in L2 Writers’ Peer Editing Activities: A meta- synthesis of selected literature. In Baleghizadeh, S. (Ed.). Handbook of Current Research in Teaching Second Language Skills. Tehran: Shahid Beheshti University Press, 2013.

Nassaji, H. & Tian, J. “Collaborative and Individual Output Tasks and Their Effects on Learning English Phrasal Verbs”. Language Teaching Research, 14, 2010, 397-419.