
BA in Applied Linguistics

The BA in Applied Linguistics provides you with a balanced theoretical and practical education. Working closely with distinguished faculty, you receive a strong grounding in theories and issues of additional-language teaching and learning. The program also offers practical experience through a language teaching practicum, classroom observations, and further experiential opportunities.


BA and Diploma students in Applied Linguistics are required to complete a 20-hour language teaching practicum (LING 476) in one of the private or public institutions in and around Victoria (and occasionally elsewhere) that support our program.


A course requirement for LING 374 is for students take part in five or more classroom observations of language classes. These observations take place in English-as-an-additional language or other language classrooms at the 番茄社区 and in the community. Students are expected to complete reports based on their observations, which complement the LING 374 discussions of teaching approaches and methods. These theoretical-practical connections are critical for students as they prepare for their language teaching practicum in LING 476.

The Applied Linguistics program is grateful for the ongoing generosity of Victoria language teachers in providing observation opportunities. Teachers who are willing to open their classrooms to student observers may contact the . The observations are tailored to the teacher's availability and other requests they may have.


You can click on the links below to see the current calendar descriptions of the BA in Applied Linguistics programs.