
Awards and financial aid

As an undergraduate student in Linguistics, you have access to three types of financial support: scholarships, work study positions, and co-op positions.


Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award

Third- and fourth-year undergraduate students with excellent academic standing are eligible for the Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award (JCURA). Award recipients undertake a research project under the mentorship of a faculty supervisor. This opportunity is of particular interest for Honours students planning to enroll in LING 499. The Department of Linguistics is currently eligible to nominate two students for this award. For further information and application forms, see the

Linguistics Awards 

There are also three Linguistics Awards for students in our undergraduate and diploma programs:

  • Henry J. Warkentyne Scholarship in Applied Linguistics
  • Thomas M. Hess Scholarship in Indigenous Language Revitalization
  • Underlings Scholarship

Applications from students are not required for these scholarships. For more information on these awards, see the .

Work study

We regularly have work-study positions in the Linguistics department. Recent positions include assistant librarian, research assistant (sociolinguistics lab), editorial assistant (Working Papers of the Linguistics Circle), dictionary project assistant (digital dictionary for the Nxa’amxcin language), and others. For more information on how to find out about work-study positions and how to apply for them (including eligibility requirements), you can check the .


A co-op program can be helpful in gaining relevant work experience and competencies as well as helping to fund your undergraduate studies.

Second-year, third-year, and fourth-year students in a linguistics Bachelor’s degree program are eligible for the Faculty of Humanities and Fine Arts (HUFA) Co-op, where terms of academic studies alternate with paid co-op terms working for government, theatres, galleries, libraries, arts groups, newspapers, publishers, private firms and more.

Full-time students in the BA in Linguistics, BA in Applied Linguistics, and BSc in Linguistics programs can apply for HUFA Co-op after completing at least one year of studies (12.0 units). Students must have and maintain at least a B+ average in order to be eligible for the program. For more information, see the .